11x2 - The Brother in the Basement

Comenzar desde el principio

*Miller, Brennan and Aubrey search her partners (Richard) house*
*Miller reveals that Richards fiancée vanished around the same time as him*
*Miller states that her team believes they ran off together*
           •Believe they are planning to see the list to someone
*Brennan finds a severed finger in the back of Richards freezer*
•Clearly the FBI team missed it

*Brennan, Cam and Arastoo at the lab examining the severed finger*
            •Brennan is impatient as Cam examines the finger first

Arastoo-"Dr. Brennan, I know it's hard to be patient, but I hope you can see everybody's doing their best."

Bre-"That's the problem, Dr. Vaziri. Some people's best is better than others'."

Arastoo-"I'm sorry. I thought we had moved past my previous error in misidentifying Booth's remains."

Brennan-"We had, but apparently that's not the only error this lab has made. I've been told that in my absence the Jeffersonian is no longer considered this country's foremost forensic laboratory."

Cam-"Dr. Brennan, I appreciate how worried you are about Booth, but right now is not the time for whatever criticisms you may have."

*Severed finger belongs to Miller's partners fiancée*
*Millers partner may have been forced to steal the list to save his fiancées life*
*Aubrey, Miller and Caroline question how the 2 cases are connected*

Aubrey-"...So it looks like your partner isn't so bad after all. Just a guy who wanted to help out someone he loved."

Caroline-"Sounds a lot like Booth."

Miller-"That's what doesn't make sense. What does the list have to do with Booth?"

Aubrey-"My bet is that it has to do with the $2 million that Jared helped to steal. Jared got in over his head with the crew that wanted to buy the list."

Caroline-"Then Booth insinuates himself to make sure the wrong people don't get their grubby little hands on it."

Aubrey-"Booth isn't gonna give up till he gets ahold of that list."

Caroline-"No, he isn't. Which means he's either gonna get it and be a hero or the poor boy's gonna die trying."

*Booth shaking + groaning + panting as he tries to hold pressure on his wound*
*Men with Booth are acting like dicks and not even helping him*
           •Making jokes about him dying and "going into the light"
*Booth finds a way to cauterize his wound temporarily but it hurts A LOT*
           •Men cringe and look away as Booth cauterizes his wound
            •Booth has to bite down on piece of wood so he doesn't scream

*Hodgins finds a trace of something on the severed finger*

Arastoo-"Let's hope you find something. I think if Dr. Brennan had her way, she'd fire both me and Cam."

Angela-"Shes not gonna fire anyone."

Arastoo-"I wouldn't be so sure. She heard the Jeffersonian took a hit since she's been gone."

Angela-"Oh. Those rankings are completely arbitrary. They have as much to do with funding and papers as they do actual forensic work."

Hodgins-"To be fair, there've been more unsolved cases ever since Dr. Brennan left.... That wasn't helpful, was it?"

Angela to Arastoo-"You can't blame yourself, especially if Brennan doesn't even blame you. Okay, at the end of the day, Brennan knows she's the one who quit, so whatever cases went unsolved are on her conscience. They're not on ours."

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