"Don't worry, he tells nothing but good things about you", Earth smiled back. "Ah, by the way, thank you for looking after Saint at school"

"Oh, it's no big at all. He's like our baby brother now",

"Hm, the Jimmy guy.. too.. he's the talker one, right?",


"I see..then, I shall you guys over dinner, you, Jimmy and Saint..", Earth trailed making Mixxiw's eyes widen.

"D-dinner?", Mixxiw stuttered.

"Yeah, don't be nervous it will be fine. You can come right? Ask Jimmy too.",

"Hm, I'll try",

"Hope you can come. I'll inform you with Saint, maybe next week.", Mixxiw only nodded.

"Hm, by the way, where Saint na P'?",

"Oh, speaking of the devil. He just came out of the hospital", Earth saw his orders on the way.

"Eh? Hospital? Again?", Mixxiw worriedly looked at him.


"Fever? Is it severe?",

"No.. it's a long story.", Earth then took his order. "I gotta go. I need to feed him", he then chuckled. "Nice meeting you, Mixxiw",

"Khub!", Mixxiw smiled and Earth rushed outside, and when he reached the condo, he found Saint sleeping on the couch with his book covering his face. He slowly took the Saint's book and wake Saint.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Dinner's ready", Earth ruffled Saint's face.

"I'm too sleepy, P'", Saint snuggle deeper on the couch.

"At least, eat a bit.",

"I've eaten.",

"What did you eat?",

"Soup. Your friend cooked me a soup.", Saint replied.

"Zee?", Saint nodded. "I wanna sleep naa",

"Okay, okay..then, you go to your room now, it's cold here", Earth added. Saint then walked towards his room. Zee cooked? Earth shook his head.


The next stop, Zee stopped by on the library they used to hang-out. The man smiled at him and he waied.

"Oh, the professor busy got in here.", the man greeted.

"Sorry, just got a lot on my plate, you know.", Zee replied..

"I could see", the man smirked. "Ah, Nong Tommy also stopped by.",

"Oh, he is?",

"Yeah, he said he came from the hospital, so decided to drop by",

"Our friend's brother was sent to the hospital and we're a bit responsible on it", Zee smiled and walked towards the shelf where engineering books were found. On his surprise, the shelf is almost empty and his book's gone. "P'? What happened to the books in here?", Zee panicly asked.

"Oh, it was purchased days ago. Why?",

"My book, I mean...the one I'm reading..I have something important in there..",,

"God! Why did you put it there?",

"It's on the back part, I didn't know it will be bought", Zee replied immediately.

"Wait, I think...yeah, the one who purchased it, I thought it was Tutor, but it's not.",

"What?", Zee exclaimed.

WHEN THERE'S ME AND YOUWhere stories live. Discover now