Chapter 33

52 3 17

Harry's POV

I wake up early the next morning and find that I am on the couch downstairs in the living room. I must have fallen asleep while me and Louis were watching the movie

I strech my arms out and try to move my body,which is stiff from sleeping at a weird angle,only to find that there is something on top of me. I open my eyes and lift my head slightly to find Louis curled up against my chest,his hands resting on either side of  me. I smile at how tiny he looks and try my best to get up without waking him. But I fail because I hear him mumble something incoherent before he shifts his head up and opens his sleepy eyes to look at me.

"Good morning beautiful." I smile down at him and he frowns looking around.

"We slept on the couch?" He asks surprised and I hold in a laugh.

" Yep."

" Yikes. Oops- sorry Harry." I let out a groan as he elbows my ribs and then apologizes quickly.

" 'S fine." I mumble and sit up making Louis fall off the couch.

" Ow!" He yelps as he falls to the floor and I laugh at him.

"Now we're even." I give him a cheeky smile before standing up and walking to the bathroom.

"Good morning to you too jerk!" He shouts at me as I shut the bathroom door with a laugh. I could get used to waking up with Louis like this. No. Don't think like that.


"Harry?"  Louis says while he helps me clean the breakfast dishes.


"I... I have a theory but I- I don't know how true or accurate it is and I don't know if I should tell you because if it's not true then it could get people in trouble but I ju-" Louis gushes but I stop him by placing my hand over his mouth.

" Woah woah woah. Slow down there." I chuckle and he blushes.
" First of all what is this theory even about?"

" My murder..." He looks down and my heart drops.

" Oh." Is all I manage to say and he nods his head. "Should we finish uo here and go sit at the living room to talk?" I suggest and he nods his head again.

We finish the dishes and I lead the way into the living room.

"The past few months when I....went away..." He looks down,a guilty expression on his face,so I reach out and hold his hand in mine to reassure him that it's okay. He gives me a smile before continuing.

"I had time to think about..stuff. Like my murder and uh... possible suspects." He swallows and I can see the dread in his eyes.

" Harry I think I might know who's responsible." He looks at me and as soon as the words leave his mouth,all the air exits my lungs and my body freezes.

"You- how?" I gasp for air.

"Harry I can't be sure fkr certain but I think it might be-" before he's able ti tell me though,my phone starts to ring. I sigh and pick it up looking at the screen.


I curse under my breath and close my eyes briefly before pressing the answer button.

"Hello?" I say into the speaker and I see Louis watching me from where he's sitting beside be on the couch.

"Harry?" Charlotte says from the other end,her voice tired.

"Good morning." I say and feel Louis squeeze my hand. " Is everything okay?"

" Good morning love. Yes actually, Olivia is doing much better today and the doctor said he will prescribe her a new medication,which hopefully will be more affective."  Charlotte says and I let out a shakey breath.
"How are you feeling today Harry?"

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