Chapter 2

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Five years later

" Oi Harry stop sulking and come play" the blond boy Harry shares a room with shouts to him from across the field. Him and the other boys from the orphanage are getting ready for their Saturday football match.

"Shut up Niall. You know i don't play." Harry shouts back, rolling his eyes at him. He shakes his head and turns around yelling at the other boys to take their places. Harry knows one thing about Niall and that is that he takes football way to seriously. Well okay, he also knows that he loves food. At lot.

"What is it this time?" A voice says behind him, and he doesn't need to turn his head to see who it is as the smoke that fills his lungs is enough.

"I thought mrs. Robins made it clear that next time she catches you smoking that's it. " Harry says coldly not in the mood for the slightly older boy's attitude.

"She wont though." The boy simply says and takes a seat on the bench next to Harry.

"What do you want Zayn?" Harry asks not looking at the raven haired boy next to him.

"You know it's too late. There's no point and sulking around about it"

" I don't care. " Harry retorts." And i am not sulking, i am just not in the mood. " He says and gets up abruptly. He doesn't need this.

Walking towards the building he hears Zayn laugh, which just infuriates him more. He stomps to his room and closes the door. Today is open day. People come and look for one of us to adopt. As if we're some sort of fruit on display harry thinks to himself sitting down on his bed. He lets out a sigh and takes the picture frame from under his pillow. Niall teases him for it, but honestly Harry couldn't care less. He runs his fingers along the glass covering the only piece of his grandma he has left. He lowers his head and gently places a kiss on the cold glass of the picture frame. He looks down at her green eyes, her perfect smile, her nicely styled hair and wishes more than anything she was there to hold him. To take him home.

A knock on the door brings him back to reality and he quickly stuffs the picrure under his pillow before opening the door. Miss Via is standing at the door.
"It's time. Get dressed." She says before walking off and knocking on the next door. Miss Via is young and new and while she tries to appear stern and strict everybody knows that she has a soft spot for all of the children at the orphanage, unlike mrs Robins, who is old, unfriendly and shows no intrest in them at all.

Harry quickly gets dressed and goes to the bathroom just as a sweaty Niall enters the room.

"You really missed out. Twas a great game. We won obviously. Do you have any food? Harry? Are you even listening to me? " The Irish boy huffs as he shakes a hand in front of harry's face.

" I'm fine. Go take a shower you stink." Harry responds and turns to leave the room.

"Whatever man." Niall says rolling his eyes at Harry. But just as Harry leaves he sees Niall go into the bathroom.

He walks down the hall to the main room. The greeting room. He dreads every moment of this day. He knows what it's like being here for years and each time people scrunch their noses and look away quickly when they see him.

He takes a seat in the back where the older kids sit, making sure he puts enough distance between him and Zayn who is sitting a few seats down. Soon the room fills with kids of all ages, races, shapes and sizes. Each one has a different backround, a different story. Some decide to share it, others don't. Harry never told anyone. No one ever asked.

"Alright children settle down." Mrs Robins says standing in the front of the room next to the door. Through the window harry could see that there weren't that many people outside. Good, he thought. The sooner it's over the better. He turns his head in time to see Niall plop down in the seat next to him, his hair still wet from his shower. Liam, a brunette boy the sane age as Harry and Niall, sinks down in the seat next to Niall. He gives Harry a smile and wishes the boys luck as he turns his head and stares at the door. Liam has been here since he was a newborn. His parents left him on the steps of the orphanage two days after his birth. Liam claims that it's better that he doesn't remember his parents, but Harry knows that it is his cries he hears in the middle of the night.

When all the kids have finally taken their places. The people looking to adopt walk in. Three couples and a rather old looking lady stand in front of them. Harry scans the faces of the people who have entered. None of them are his parents. He sighs, whether it's relief or disappointment, not even he himself knows.

"Miranda and Patrick Davis." Mrs Robins announces the first couple. They look newly married and by the looks on their faces Harry suspects they probably can't have children of their own. Naturally they pick the youngest, a girl named Naya, two years old. Mrs Dorian takes them to the office so they can fill in the papers.

The next are a middle aged, black couple, who Harry believes he has seen here before. When the woman locks eyes with him he feels his heart skip a beat. What? He was probably just imagining it. Nobody would want him. Right?

"Charlotte and James Evans. " Mrs Robins introduces them. He sees them scan the rows of children before they whisper something to Mrs Robins. She looks at them in disbelief and leans in to ask them something. The couple nod and he hears mrs Robins say,
"Very well, this way please." She leads them to the office just as the other couple exit with baby Naya in their arms, smilimg and giggling like fucking teenagers.

The words that come out of Mrs Robins mouth are words Harry never thought he would hear.

"Harry Styles this way please." The room went silent. Harry looked next to him to see Niall looking like he had seen a ghost, he realized he probably carried the same expression, but when he turned to Liam he saw the boy had a huge smile on his face as he reached over to pull Harry into a tight embrace. As much as Harry hated to admit it he had missed that feeling so much.

When Liam finaly let go it was Niall's turn to hug him. As he pulled away Niall ruffled his hair. Stupid fucking leprechaun, Harry thought to himself shaking his head, but he couldn't help but smile. For a quick moment he considered turning his head to see Zayn's expression but he decided against it as he saw Mrs Robins' impatient look. He got up from his seat and started making his way down the isle and into the office.

The couple were filling out some forms and Harry couldn't help but notice that their hands were linked from under the table. He cleared his throat to announce his presence and gave a small smile when Charlotte got up from her chair and hugged him. He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as the woman cried into his shoulder.
"I knew you were the one Harry the first day I saw you" she finally tells him. Harry just stood there looking at her not sure what to say. Then he was asked to wait outside as mrs Dorian gave them some deeper information about him. Harry listened closely at what she was telling them and found himself hoping that after what they hear the will change their minds about him.

" He suffered physical abuse by both his parents... Violent upbringing... Grandmother... died... car accident... hospital... abandoned... so young... been here for years... never quite recovered... he is thirteen now yes... he was eight when we found him poor thing... " He couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want their pitty he didn't want them to feel bad for him he- His thoughts were interrupted as the office door swung open and a puffy eyed Charlotte and a sad looking James walked out.

"Harry, I want you to meet your new parents, Charlotte and James Evans. "


hiiii so.. what do you think so far?
the chapters are short ik but still i hope you like it <33


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