Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I wake up the next day at around 10am. That gives me two hours to get ready before I meet up with the mystery boy. I catch myself by surprise. Am I actually going? I kind of promised him I would show up didn't I? I let out a deep sigh and get out of bed.

After I finish my breakfast I run upstairs quickly to get dressed. I slide into a pair of skinny black jeans that are purposely torn at the knee length. I pull a dark grey rolling stones t-shirt over my head and grab my phone from the nightstand. Passing by Olivia's room I knock on the door lightly.

"Who is it?" She asks from inside. Silly girl.

"The boogeyman." I say making my voice deeper. I hear her screech then giggle before the door opens and a smiling girl appears behind it. She has a flower crown in her hair and is wearing a pink puffy dress and fairy wings.

"Does the boogeyman want to join the fairy tea party?" She asks looking up at me through her long eyelashes.

"The boogeyman was actually going to go out for a walk" I say looking down at my phone. 11:23. " But a cup of tea sounds lovely." She smiles and pulls me by my hand into her room.

Her dolls are set in a circle and each one of them has a small tea cup infront of it. I sit across her as she hands me a tiny teacup.

"Nooo. You're holding it wrong." She tells me. "You're supposed to lift your pinky, see like this! " She shows me and I laugh." I promise it tastes ten times better like this" she shoots me a look before lifting the cup to her lips and pretends to take a sip. I lift my pinky and do the same earning a warm smile from the girl I have come to adore more and more each day.

Fifteen minutes later I finally convince her that I have to go, so she let's me, but not before she makes me wear a flower crown and forces me to promise to wear it all day.

I walk out the front door as soon as the time changes to 12. I am worried I won't find the exact spot we met yesterday but when I see him standing a few feet away I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hi." I great him as I get closer.

"Good morning" he replies, then smiles noticing my flower crown. "Nice crown." He says with a small laugh, that is enough to take my breath away and I can't wait to hear it again.

"Don't. My uhh my friend made me wear it." I say with a nervous smile.

" How old is your friend?" He teases and I roll my eyes.

" Shut up. So....why did you want to meet?" I ask him seriously and he visibly tenses.

" I- I want to show you something... follow me." And here I am following a stranger around in the woods.

"Where are we going?" I ask nervously, not wanting to anger him or upset him in any way.

" You'll see." He looks back at me with a small smile

A few minutes later I can hear running water (yeah ik ik) so I figure we must be close to sone kind of stream. My thoughts are confirmed as we reach a small river the flowing water glistening under the warm sun. I look down as my shoes sink into the soft sand of the river bank. I look up to find the boy staring at me. Not in a creepy way...he looks...curious...

"Come on then." He says and walks towards some large rocks further down the shore. I follow him and climb up onto the rocks after him. I see him sit down and take off his socks then his shoes and rolls up his jeans dipping his legs into the water. I stare at him as he leans his head back, his eyes closed and a small smile on his pretty lips. Pretty? I catch myself and shake my head sitting down next to him.

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