Chapter 27

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Trigger warning: mention of self harm.

Louis' POV

"Hey Harry?" I shake his shoulder lightly making him shift in his sleep.
"Harry." I whisper again and he opens his eyes.
" Good morning beautiful. " I fond and he smiles hiding his face in his hands.

" Good morning Lou. " He says in a deep voice and I bite my lip.

"Your morning voice is so sexy" I say and he turns away from me laughing.

" Shut up. " He hits my arm lightly and reaches for his phone.

"I wanted to talk to you about something today." I say softly looking over his shoulder at his phone.

" Do you think you'd appear in photos?" He wonders ignoring me.

"I dunno. Let's see. " I shrug and take his phone. I press the camera button and the app opens revealing a confused me and a tired Harry. I snap a picture to make sure and sure enough I appear in it.

"Wait. Let's try again." I say and this time close my eyes. I want to be invisible, I think and reopen my eyes.

I have vanished from the screen.

I hand Harry his phone back and he grins at me, placing it back on the nightstand.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He leans in to kiss me.

" I had an idea. " I mumble into his mouth and pull away from the kiss.
"I had an idea." I say again.

"Okay..." Harry eyes me suspiciously.

"Well I was thinking since you got your own car we could... maybe.. I don't know. Nevermind. " I hesitate and turn my focus to my hands that are playing with harry's dark grey sheets.

"You want to go for a car ride? Are you sure? " He looks at me concerned.

" I know it sounds silly, given the circumstances but..." I trail off, my eyes burning a hole in the sheet.

"Louis, if you want to and you feel ready, I would love to go for a drive with you. " Harry smiles and I melt. He's always so patient and supportive.

"I uh... I have a specific place I want to go actually..." I glance up to look at Harry." I want you to take me to Doncaster."


Harry's POV

"Harry, I don't know how safe this is." Charlotte looks at me with pursed lips.

"I'll be fine Char. Some kids I know from the orphanage used to live there and really, it's just an hour away. "

" I don't know Harry... " She looks at Jason.

" Please? " I give them a small smile.

" I trust him. " Jason says amd winks at me. I give him a nod, thanking him.

" Oh alright. I don't want to be the one to ruin all the fun." Charlotte gives in and I grin in excitement.

" Thank you thank you thank you." I jump up and down before hugging them both.

" Just be back before it gets too dark. And please Harry, be careful. " Jason says and I nodd my head.

" I will, I promise. " I say and thank them again before bolting to my room to pack my bag and tell Louis.

"They let me go." I squeak, jumping into his arms. He stumbles back surprised, but manages to hold me without falling over.

"Awesome." He exclaims. "When do we go?" We pull away from the embrace and I go get a backpack from the closet.

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