Color Soulmate AU - Ssamjin

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately, there was no soulmate to be found. 

Continuing on to Kathmandu. Kathmandu was full of friendliness and welcome. Chaewon had felt right at home. People had talked to her, she had answered, conversations had been happening, it was amazing. The vibe radiated comfort and if she were to describe it - the vibe, that is - she'd say it was like that cool, single aunt - loving, welcoming, warm, and definitely not something that would be blending in. Again with the architecture - absolutely striking. Chaewon had stared in awe, slack-jawed, at almost every single building she happened to pass. 

Unfortunately, it was still grey. She had almost wanted to give up then and there. 

However, she had been excited for Seoul. She, of course, spoke Korean, so it was a blast. Seoul had also seemed to be a city of lights and luminescence, but when she got to each individual sort of section, she had realized that it wasn't as intimidating as it seemed. People were friendly, decoration was cute, and the food, holy pangolin the food. Chaewon had been to restaurant after restaurant after restaurant. Heck, she had been full most of the day, but she couldn't stop being beguiled by the, well, the everything. 

The lovely, tasty, still infuriatingly grey food. She sighed. 

Even if she hadn't found her soulmate, this trip had actually been pretty amazing. 

Next was Ulaanbaatar. Always with the architecture, but my goodness the architecture. The buildings looked like they had been built with the same style of the houses along King Caesar back in Duxbury, but... they looked so modern. It was freezing and Chaewon was totally dying of cold, but it was way to enthralling to resist walking past every single damn building there. 

Eye contact had been made. Colors did not come. 


When the plane had landed in Okinawa, Chaewon had taken so, so many pictures. The ocean was a dreamy gradient of a dark, smoky grey to a foamy white. She spoke a little Japanese and the locals were friendly and gave Chaewon lots of food. Free food was not something she could refuse. 

But when she boarded the plane the morning after, her bag was still a sooty grey. 

And now she was back in the US. But hey, her despair didn't bother her from falling in love with Hancock Park. The neighborhoods were so pretty, lined with trees, and everything had plants surrounding it. The jacarandas were especially fetching with their huge, ash grey flowers. Korea town close by was filled with fantastic restaurants and she had gotten some quality boba from a town close by. 

Two stops left. 

Anchorage was especially pretty in the winter, snow covering the mountains. Chaewon suffered through at least a few minutes in the biting cold just to stare out at the mountains. She would have spent longer, but her hot chocolate was calling, and one never ignores the calls of the hot chocolate. 

Last stop. This was it. 

The last of her desperation was to be dispensed here. 

Vancouver, though... man it was amazing. Food did not fail to satisfy, and Chaewon ate an unhealthy amount of dim sum, boba, and pasta from this restaurant called Fable. She rented a bike and rode by the ocean. The forests were filled with fresh air and the smell of nature. The city was striking. And why, why were the people in Canada so sweet? Random people made small talk with Chaewon, and she was rather disappointed her soulmate wasn't Canadian. 

And after the flight back home to Boston and the long drive to home sweet Powder Point, Chaewon had one single regret - she should have made eye contact with more people. But at least she was back home. It had been a good month or so since she had felt the cool sand on her feet or walked bare-footed across the bridge or tasted the amazingness of Far Far's ice cream or even glimpsed a horseshoe crab. 

So instead of resting, when Chaewon opened her door, she chucked her backpack into the living room and yeeted her suitcase halfway up the stairs before throwing off her shoes and running down to the bridge. 

She had to roll up her jeans in an effort not to trip over her own feet. 

But the old, rickety bridge with its rusting nails felt so familiar on her skin that it was worth the extra coldness. Chaewon took the sand path onto the beach and in her frustration, she sprinted down hill on the sand all the way down to the beach. Panting, she put one hand hand on her thigh and used the other to throw a rock into the ocean. 

"Not a happy camper today?" 

"No, not really." Chaewon looked up to see her fellow Duxburian. Black jeans, skull pocket, butterflies, notes... ooh. 

It was the girl from the shuttle bus. 

Chaewon stood up straight to see the stranger's face. She would never get over the dreaminess of the girl's face. She was so in love with a person she barely knew. The stranger looked down into Chaewon's eyes. And with a blinding flash, the sky was the richest blue Chaewon had ever seen. The butterflies were yellow, the roses a glittering pink, and the music notes a deep purple.



Chaewon turned on the pretty stranger and violently pointed her finger at the stranger's chest. 


She was walking closer and closer to this tall wonder. Noticing the proximity of their faces, Chaewon blushed. The stranger smirked. 

"Ahn Yujin. Nice to meet you too." 

"A pleasure. Kim Chaewon." Yujin took Chaewon's chin in her hand and pulled their lips together. When they parted, Chaewon put her face in the crook of Yujin's neck, breathing her in. 

And she whispered, "You're paying me back."


Yes, I planned hours making up a trip that I will probably never go on ever in my tiny, insignificant life.

Anyways, my lovely human being @Jenliswag_06, any other time I would say "I hope this was satisfactory" but I just realized that this a) isn't really fluff, b) isn't really angst or smut either, and c) is just me ranting on about how amazing Vancouver is.

Sucks to suck, am I right?

Anyways, if you wanted to know, no, I have not been to all of these places, and no, I do not live in any of these places. Even so, yes, you should totally look all of them up because they are freaking gorgeous, just like you my lovely pangolins :)

Currently writing in order that I will probably post:

- Spy AU (hiinak)

- Kingdom AU (kangbi)

- Werewolf AU (Any suggestions?)

- Regular Life AU (OT12)

- Vampire AU? (Also, taking suggestions)

As you can see, I have accumulated requests very quickly. I am a freaking work magnet. 

I'm super excited tho :)

Thx for reading luv u all <3

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