what happened?

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 I wake up and I'm in a bed. I look around and notice I'm in a hotel room and Niall is in the chair beside me, holding my hand and asleep. Liam is in the other bed looking at his phone, probably on twitter. I start coughing and he looks up from his phone. He looks at me with concern on his face and gets out of bed and goes over to me, telling me what happened, and asking if anything hurt and how I felt. I tell him my throat kind of hurts and I'm tired, but everything else is okay. 

He goes over to his bag and grabs something that I can't see out. He comes back with a stethoscope in his hand and asks if he can check my breathing and vitals. I look at him confused because why does he carry a stethoscope and medical supplies in his bag? He sees my confused look and tells me that before auditioning for X Factor, he got his medical license and that he can actually be a doctor. He also tells me that the other boys all have various degrees of medical licenses or medical knowledge. Harry is pediatrician, he (Liam) is a general practitioner, Louis specializes in hematology (doctor that studies blood), Zayn is a dentist, and Niall is a certified nurse. 

This information makes my head spin, because I wonder why no one know this about them, which I ask Liam this. He tells me that they don't want the general public to know that about them, and that it's kind of personal to them. I start to get dizzy again from the new information and Liam sees this. He tells me to lay down and that he's just going to check my breathing, blood pressure, pulse, and that my eyes are dilating correctly. I start freaking out, which wakes Niall up. He sees me awake and freaking out and climbs on the bed with me and cuddles me. I curl up into him and soon I'm okay again. He says what Liam's going to do and tells me that it won't hurt and that he's right here for me.

 I let Liam take my blood pressure and pulse first, and he tells me that it's a little high, but it's probably because I'm scared. He next takes the stethoscope out and listens to my lungs, making sure that I don't have a rattling sound in them and that my airway is clear. Finally he takes out a light and tells me what he's about to do. "I'm going to shine this in your eyes. It may be bright, but just look past it for me, okay? Then you can sleep". He does this and tells me that I'm all good. The whole while that Liam was doing the exam on me, Niall was telling me how good I was doing and that he's so proud of me. After the exam I cuddle into Niall's chest and soon I fall back asleep, cuddled in his warmth.

When I wake up, I'm still in Niall's arms, being protected. I slowly sit up and look at the clock, which reads 11:11 am. I love that time, because it's when wishes happen, however I don't need to make a wish because I'm already really happy. I look around and see that Liam's still asleep so I gently get out of Niall's embrace and quietly go the bathroom, trying not to wake anyone up. 

As I come out of the bathroom, I hear a knock on the door. I open it and see Harry, Louis, and Zayn. They come in the door and ask me if I'm okay and ask where Liam and Niall are. I tell them that Liam did a check up on me last night and confirmed that I'm okay and that the other boys are still asleep because they were up late caring for me. They then get a worried look on their face. "So you know all about what we are and what we do other than the boyband thing?" Harry asks me. I tell him Liam explained it to me last night and that I was okay with it. 

They look relieved and start to go wake up Liam and Niall. Once everyone's up for the day, we all go down for breakfast. Niall takes my hand as we go down to breakfast and I look up at him, we both smile and I blush. We eat breakfast and I ask them what their schedule is like today. They tell me that it's actually their day off and since I know the area if I could show them some tourist attractions. I suggest to them that we could go visit Alcatraz Island and they all agree that that sounds like fun. I go on my phone and look up the times that the ferry leaves the port and tells them that one departs in about three hours, so we have plenty of time to get ready. We then finish our breakfast and go back up to the rooms to get ready for the day. 

When I get up to Liam and Niall's room I realize that I have no other clothes or any toiletries to freshen up. I tell them this and Liam says that his girlfriend, Sophia left some of her clothes the last time she visited and that I could borrow them as well as the hotel has some extra toothbrushes and hair stuff that I can use, then tomorrow we would get some clothes for me from my house. I tell that that sounds good and Liam grabs the clothes and hands them to me. I put them on and they are a little long since I'm a lot shorter than Sophia, but I just roll up the pant legs and tuck the shirt in, put a belt on and turn it into a cute outfit that fits me. Then I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and brush out my hair. I don't have any makeup, but I really don't wear too much anyway so it doesn't really affect me and I just put some sunscreen and chap stick on to make sure I don't burn, since I have such fair skin. I walk out and we meet up with the other boys downstairs. 

Harry drives this time and Louis is in the front seat. Zayn and Liam are in the middle seat and Niall and I are in the back. I again cuddle into his side and he puts an arm around me. We get to the dock and I see Zayn have a look of fear on his face. I then remember that he's afraid of water and go over to him. I tell him that he's okay and that if anything does happen, I took lifesaving classes and I'd save him. He looks a little better and we all walk on the boat. We get to the island and get off. Then we are brought to the different rooms and cells of Alcatraz and given a tour of the island. The whole while Niall held my hand and even though I got scared at some parts, I felt protected. 

The tour ends and we see how late it is. We decide to grab dinner in the city and go to the Rainforest Café. They are very careful about me and what I eat because last time I choked. I get a salad, that way I'll have enough room for the volcano sundae for dessert. We get done with dinner and dessert, and we go back to the hotel. They tell me their schedule for the next day; which was an interview at 1pm, rehearsals at 4:30pm and a concert at 8:30pm and ask me if I want to come with them. I agree, but I tell them I need to stop off at my apartment and get clothes and stuff. Niall says that he'll take me early tomorrow morning before the interview. We decide to go to bed after that and all go up to our rooms. Niall hands me a pair of his shorts and a t-shirt, which I put on and we get in his bed again and cuddle and sleep.

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