Meeting the boys

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Alyssa's POV: set in California Bay Area

I'm so excited to be going to the One Direction meet and greet. I've been waiting since my birthday, which was in February, and now it's the end of May. I'm one of the last people they allowed in, so I know it will be some time until I get to the front and actually meet the boys, so I go on my phone and check twitter, Instagram, Facebook, play some games, and read Wattpad to entertain myself. 

After a while I start to see the boys and I get really shy and nervous. Even though I'm bound and determined to not freak out, I'm not really that good at talking to boys in general, so when I get to the front where they are I already know that my face is bright red and I probably have tears in my eyes from embarrassment. Before I can do anything about it though, I hear Niall say hi and see him looking at me. I shyly look up and he sees that something's wrong. "What's wrong, love?" he asks and starts to stand up and give me a comforting hug. I whisper that I'm just really nervous meeting all of them and he pulls me in closer to his chest and comforts me. 

As he is cuddling me I notice that this feels really good and that I like his arms around me. All the other girls go around us and give me a dirty look as they pass, but I can't see them because my head is in Niall's shoulder. I slowly calm down and soon we look at each other and just smile. "I'm Alyssa", I say to him shyly while looking back down at my shoes. "Nice to meet you Alyssa, I'm Niall. Would you like to meet the other boys?" " u-um o-okay", I say nervously. He smiles at that and turns to the other boys, and introduces me to them, still holding my hand and rubbing circles on my hand to comfort me. "Hey, guys meet Alyssa. She's a little nervous, but loves our music" I hear a chorus of hi's and hey's and slowly I warm up to them. They ask me my favorite songs of theirs and I say, ""don't forget where you belong" and "Stockholm Syndrome", but really I like them all". Niall smiles at my answer because he helped write "don't forget where you belong" and it means so much to him.

 We talk some more and get to know one another a little, and soon Paul comes in and tells them that they have to get going and go get something to eat. They ask Paul if I can come and he says that I can. We go to the car and all get in. It's me, Niall, and Liam in the back with Harry, Louis, and Zayn in front of us and Paul and the driver in the driver and passenger seats. While we drive, Niall keeps his arm around my shoulders and I slowly lay my head on his shoulder, finding it very comfortable. We get to the restaurant (Olive Garden) and we get out and go in. we go to our table and the waiter takes our order. I get cheese raviolis while they get various Italian foods. 

We start talking again and pretty soon the food gets to us. We all start eating and I realize just how hungry I am. I eat too fast and soon I start to choke. I can't breathe and my face reddens and my eyes start watering for the second time that day. Liam see's this and asks if I'm choking. I nod my head yes vigorously and he pulls me out of the booth and wraps his arms around my waist and starts giving me the Heimlich maneuver. Pretty soon I cough up the food and feel really dizzy. I pass out and Liam catches me.

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