Tale of the old tribe (nsfw)

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WARNING: This chapter includes sexual content.

Adora felt dizzy, her stomach turned, she had been late again. First was at the beach when she couldn't even save her girlfriend from the rapey sea creatures, and now... What happened to Catra?

Adora had one job only, which was to take care of her loved one and now she's nowhere to be found.

'It's your fucking fault! Who the hell would want to explore a dangerous forest without a guide anyway? I'm so stupid.' Adora brought her hands up to her face, screaming against them, the sound came out muffled.

Adora thought about her options, she could either try going deeper into the forest alone but risk dying as well or she could ask for help.

'ENTRAPTA! She will be able to help me.' Adora ran to her backpack, grabbing it and sprinting her way back to the information center.

Adora burst through the door to find Entrapta fixing some old machine.

"ENTRAPTAINNEENDDYOURHELPTOFIDNCATRASHEESMISSSIN-" Adora tried to speak but was quickly interrupted.

"What language are you speaking? Do I have to decipher?" Entrapta's eyes shone brightly. Adora took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves.

"It's Catra! She's missing!" Adora shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry but your friend is probably dead by this point." Entrapta turned around and continued fixing the machine.

"NO! No, no. I won't give up until I find her. Please, you have to help me." Adora kneeled next to Entrapta, trying to convince her.

"Hmm, there are cannibals in that forest, it's dangerous but on the other hand I've been meaning to pay them a visit, I wanna learn their ways of living, it will help my research." Entrapta stood up, grabbing her tablet.

"CANNIBALS-? You know what? Never mind, so will you help me then?" Adora couldn't waste any second arguing, she had to rescue her girlfriend.

"Yes, I will. But we won't be going alone, WRONG HORDAK! Come here!" Entrapta shouted and this white weird robot-like looking man came in.

"Hello brothers!" Wrong Hordak winked at Adora.

"Did you just- Did you just wink at me?" Adora muttered.

"Wrong Hordak, get the emergency kit and pack your backpack, we will visit the cannibals today! Also pack as much little food as you can."


Back in the forest, Catra had soon reached their tribe. They had tied her up to a tree in the center of the camp. There were yellow huts made out of bamboo and a lot of skulls used for decoration.

One member of the tribe approached Catra.

"Ifm goffna kflll yfou-" Catra tried speaking but her sounds were muffled by the cloth that was shoved in her mouth. The man did her a favor and removed it.

"I'm going to KILL you!" Catra shouted, gasping for air.

"You- no- kill us!" The man struggled to speak, apparently they didn't speak the same language.

"Yes! I - KILL - YOU" Catra tried imitating the creepy man. He scoffed and walked away. Catra looked around for a way out, but they had tied her tightly, making sure her claws faced the other way so she couldn't break free.

A few minutes had passed and another member of the tribe came, this one was different than all the others. He was huge, so muscular that he could probably destroy a watermelon between his thick thighs.

Don't you get it? I love you. (Catradora AU + SMUT)Where stories live. Discover now