Chapter 17 : Trail 2 ~ Despairing laughs

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  "Hey, didn’t you have a mark on your neck?" He implied, his hand stretched out, pointing towards his neck.

  Tim nodded and lowered his scarf to reveal a purple bruise enveloping his neck. "I don’t remember anything that would cause this, but he would..."

  Maggie twisted her lips to the side of her mouth, "Who is this 'he'?"

  "I guess you would find out sooner or later... My... other half," Tim slowly chuckled, scratching his neck.

  "Hmm, how do we see this other you then? If you are being true and everything," Dylan insisted.

  "I would rather not, I can’t help it sometimes..." Tim muttered. I suddenly got a bright but very stupid idea. I left my stool and walked over the Alice, who was in a state of confusion. 

  "Can I borrow the pin?" I asked abruptly, holding out my hand.

  "Sure, hair dude, why?" Alice replied, placing the pin in my hand. I did not respond, but instead made my way over the Tim, who was still slowly scratching his neck. I swiftly plunged the pin into Tim's hand, making him let out a painful scream of agony.

  "The hell are you doing Topher!?" Jessica yelled at me, covering her mouth. A bead of sweat rolled down my face, anxious to see if my plan played out correctly. I could hear everyone chanting worried words as I slowly waddled my way back to my wooden podium. Tim clutched his hand to his chest, and looked directly at me with his terrifying gaze. His body suddenly gave way, causing his motion to resemble a puppet. 

  "3...2..1..." I slowly chanted, gazing around to see everyone's worried faces. Tim's ragdoll body suddenly sprang to life, his rad hair over taking the majority of his face.

  "Well, here we are again!" Tim chuckled loudly, "Ain’t this just so much fun!?" Everyone backed away, nervous of Tim's actions.

  "Tim...?" Nick quivered, adjusting his glasses.

  Tim shook his head in disappointment: "How many times do I have to say it? Im Ty, not the useless Tim!” He let out a chesty laugh, tears welling up in his red eyes.

  "Can you tell us what happened to...? Alfonso?" Maggie asked, mustering up the courage to talk.

  Ty spun round to look directly at Maggie: "If I go and tell you who did it, this trial would be over, and that's no fun!"

  "You, uh, know who killed him?" Adam stuttered startled.

  "Yeah, they were the one that gave me this bruise *Chuckle* But I’ll help you guys... Those pill's set up all over the floor? Yeah, they were totally just a red herring."

  "So… we have narrowed down the suspect's to a male, and Tim and Topher have been proven innocent..." Nick whispered.

  "So the spotlight lands on Dylan, Adam and Geno..." I swallowed, my hand's trembling viciously.

  Jessica stepped forward: "It cannot be Geno, he was in the kitchen with me all the time,"

  "Adam was left 'lone all tha' time, and Dylan was at ta' changing room's..." Geno cleared, his mind deep in thought.

  "We saw Adam in the gym just before Mina came back without Alfonso, so that mean's the last person it could be is..." Jessica said timidly, rubbing her hands together.

  Dylan stood idle, his head facing towards the ground. His body began to twitch violently, causing his green hair to flail around like a fish. He lifted his face to show tear's streaming down his skin. "You... can't be serious!" Dylan yelled, clutching his fist.

  "I have... one final piece of evidence..." Alice slowly spoke, digging once again into her pockets. Her hands pulled out a vibrant purple hat that was previously owned by Alfonso. Dylan bit his tongue, holding back his tear's the best he could. 

  "Jessica showed this to me, it's Alfonso's hat," Alice started.

  "What does that mean, huh? You actually need to prove it!" Dylan snapped angrily.

Alice gaze darted at Dylan, annoyed with his persistence: "It was hidden in the music room, figure the rest out yourself,"

  "The music room's door had a trick to it, and Dylan was there to see how to open it..." Nick followed, shielding his view with his hands.

  "You're all idiot's, I wouldn’t do that!" Dylan once again brutally snapped, tears now streaming down his face like a waterfall.

  Ty rolled his eyes at the man's resistance, "Look like we have got 'im! Bwahahahaha!"

  A panel raised in front of every student, showing a pixel character for each of them. "Tell me something that show's it's not you, please!" Jessica demanded. Dylan just sniffled in reply, wiping his tears from his face.

  "I... don’t want to believe..." Nick started, pushing his fingers onto the panel. One by one, everyone selected Dylan's pixel character. I felt a feeling of regret ripple in the back of my mind. A humungous television descended from the ceiling above, the screen painted the deepest of black.

  The screen suddenly flickered on, revealing a slot machine plated with gold. The word's Jackpot were placed on the top of the machine, supporting colours of the rainbow. The wheels began to spin rapidly, flickering through the faces of all the students. The wheel began to slow down, processing each of the faces. The machine came to a brunt halt, all of its wheel displaying Dylan's face. It began to spew out golden coins, the lights flashing brightly. I could feel my mind burning with distrust, my mind spiralling with confused thoughts. What drove him to live up to such a conclusion? How much despair is provoked within this room? Will the murderous needs of Monopug every be resisted? Only time will tell, for better... or for worse...

  [[It was Dylan :D Did any of you guy's evaluate it was Dylan before it was revealed? If so, well done :D But, why did he do it?... I don’t know, you will just have to keep reading to find out! Thank you all for reading this far, it means so much to me <3]]

  [[Thank you so much for reading, if you enjoyed feel free to leave a comment, or even leave a little like, until next time my fellow bacon sandwiches!]]

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