5 . Past

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Y/m/n : Hey y/n ! How was your trip with your dad?

Dad goes to the other cities to check on his business. It's not a big one...but he started it after I was born. He always told me that I was his Lucky charm......

Ever since childhood ...I was all alone at house as mom had a nightshift job and dad would rarely be at home. So he would take me with him during weekends and during holidays.

I would sleep beside dad at night...but in the morning...he wouldn't be there.... instead my nanny would be with me. So the only way to spend more time was to go with him...

Y/n : It was nice mom! We roamed alot. And we also met one of dad's friend in the bus.

Y/m/n : Oh is it...?


From then on my parents were never the same. They kept on fighting over everything. I loved my dad more than my mom and I assumed it was mom's fault that they were fighting....but nah...

Those fights didn't stop even after my mom gave birth to my brother when I was 6. Things were never the same. Dad would vent his anger at mom and would hit her and most of the times she was bruised..... They even fought on our birthdays............I hated it......Dad never missed my birthday......but then he didn't come home on my 9th birthday.......

He became busy with his work that he rarely spent time with family......And when he came home he would either rest or would pick a fight with mom.

And ever since my brother was born .....he only cared about my brother.......And day by day he became more and more money minded . He wasn't the same.....he wasn't the same person I knew.....I don't know him anymore. We stopped going on vacations......and there was a fight every alternate day if he was home..........He was a totally different person when he comes home. When he stays out due to work.....he cares for us ....and asks about how everyone are doing.....but when he is home....he becomes a monster. I couldn't understand him anymore......

And in between all this mess.....mom gave birth to my 2nd brother when I was 11. She hoped atleast now he would be nice to her......but things didn't change...

When I was 14.....There was a huge fight that mom had to visit a doctor for her injuries.......And that too because she questioned him about talking to other women....

My mom was shattered seeing the texts he sent to the other women. She heard some of the voice recordings and was disgusted. She cried her heart out for loving a person like him. He treated her like shit....He started abusing mom and would verbally abuse me when I tried to stop him from hitting her.He would blame mom for everything.

I was broken ........ He isn't my dad! He is not my superhero........he is someone else right now.....I read some of the texts which dad sent to the other ladies......I was dumbfounded.....

The person whom he introduced to me as his friend was his ex. He would always talk to her. And not only her....he even was texting some other ladies......( And was flirting with them..!!??)

I started to hate him...........

My mom never said anything about their fights to me......but I wasn't dumb to not know the reason...cuz they would practically argue infront of us. My brothers would be scared when dad would become violent. I would make him stop the fight saying that my little brother is scared seeing him and he would stop.

He was a great father one could ask for, he gave us everything........but sadly not a good husband to my mom......

2 years ago

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