Ch.4 Introductions

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The next morning was well...chaos. I was woken up by Andrew because he was yelling in my ear. What a great start to my day. I spent most of my time before I left for the airport trying to gather last minute items that I had failed to pack the night before. I shoved all of my gear into my huge red duffel and quickly zipped the bag.

"Y/N, hurry up!" Josh yelled from the door.

"Coming!" I yell back lifting the duffel over my shoulder.

Josh, Andrew, and I left the hotel and drove to the airport. The boys continued to try and get me to tell them more about what happened last night because they seem to think there's more to it, but there wasn't anything left to tell. 

We all lugged our luggage into the airport. We probably looked stupid with our huge suitcases and duffel bags. I saw Coach Patrick by security and went to him after getting our bags checked in.

Security was very rough because of our large group. Of course Jack had to have tons of liquids in his bag, so that held us up for a while. Once we all finally made it out of security and to the gate, we boarded our flight just in time.

The flight wasn't too long. I sat on the isle, and Josh was to my left in the window seat.  Herb slept the whole time. Thank God. He seemed very grumpy this morning. Who knows what he would have made us do at practice? 

Baggage claim was the worst. I took us about an hour to get everyone's bags, considering there were over thirty of them. Some of them got lost, and of course some of us didn't realize that we picked up the wrong bag until we were about to leave. *cough* Andrew *cough*. 

We eventually made it to the campus, but guess what? Herb is making us train. Already. I was already so exhausted, and he expects me to give 100% now? Oh hell no, but it seemed I didn't have a choice.

The team and I entered the locker room with our gear with bags under our eyes. We found that we had assigned lockers. I was next to Rizzo and Mac, which I was happy with.

When we all had on our gear, we immediately got into training. We started scrimmaging, so Herb could figure out the lineups.

He paired Andrew and me up a lot because obviously we had been playing together for years, but I was pleased to find that Mac and I play really well together. We hit a lot of great one-timers on our last switch up.

"Look for the pass! Come on hit him with a pass!" Herb yelled from the bench.

He continued to yell constant corrections and directions.

"Go Johnson! Outside! Alright, Johnson hit him on the other side. Move and hit him Johnson, he's open! Come on Johnson!"

Johnson swerved around all of the defense making great moves and managed to score a goal on Jimmy without passing to anyone. Pretty cool if you ask me.

"Johnson!" Herb yelled, "That coast to coast stuff may work here but it won't against the teams we'll be playing."

He nodded. 

"Next line-up let's go!"

Mac and I hop over the wall along with the other guys in our current line-up.

"This is a break-out play, gentlemen, so please let's get rid of the puck early."

I breath out of my mouth and see it come out of my mouth like smoke as I skate up to O'Callahan for the face-off.  Herb blows the whistle, and I win the face-off passing it to Rob. He makes another pass to Andrew, and he takes it up the side. Rob calls for the puck again, but before he can get control of it, Jack slams into him out of nowhere, causing him to fall. He stays down on the ice for a little before getting up. That was a really hard hit.

"What did you hit him like that for, man." One of the guys says from the bench.

"Nice hit, OC." Silky said.

"Let's go!" Mac said punching Jack in the face.

They began to fight, and I looked over to Herb and saw that he was going to let them brawl it out. A part of me wanted to fight as well, but I knew that I needed to leave that to them. It was their fight.

They continued to pull at each others jerseys, and get a couple hit in, but it wasn't anything too bad.

"Look like hockey to you?" Herb says after the fight had been broken up. "Looks like a couple of monkeys trying to hump a football to me. I don't know, what do you think, Craig?"


"You want to settle old scores, you're on the wrong team. We move forward starting right now. We start becoming a team right now! Skating. Passing. Flow. Creativity. That's what this team is all about, gentlemen. Not old rivalries. Why don't we start with some introductions? You know get to know each other a little bit. Where you're from, who you are. Go ahead" Herb said nodding at Rob.

Mac looked at him for a second before saying anything.

"Rob McClanahan....St. Paul Minnesota."

"Who do you play for?"

"For you. I'm here at the U. He said with a nod.

Herb turned to Jack.

"Jack what about you?"

"Jack O'Callahan. Charlestown, Mass. Boston University." Jack replied with the least amount of enthusiasm a person could have, but I'm not judging because this is not very exciting at all.

"Okay, what about over here?"

"Uhh...I'm Ralph Cox, and I'm from wherever's not gonna get me hit." Ralph said.

The team laughs lightly.

Then I heard the worst words in the universe.

"Everybody on the line!"


Hey everyone. Sorry it's been a minute since I last updated, but I'll try to be more consistent. I just realized that the tenses in this story switch a lot, and I SUCK for that, so I am very sorry. I'll fix it next chapter.  Also apologies for the short chapter. It is currently 4:00 AM, so if there are mistakes, I am very sorry (I do edit these things tho), but I'll see you all later! Bye!!!

Thanks for reading!

P.S. I definitely said "sorry" way too much in that.

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