minecraft beds

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A/N FINALLY IT'S HERE im so so sorry for the wait:((( I wish I could have gotten it out WAYYY sooner but I just couldn't find a way to lead the story from the last chapter:( I hope this is good enough!

   "I know."

   It hurt George seeing Clay like this. As someone who has struggled with food their whole life, it brought him immense guilt. He left, and it turned out for the worse.

   Why was the brunette so, so stupid?

   That didn't matter now, though.

   All that mattered, was Clay.

   For once, the roles were reversed. It wasn't George's story right now. He already had most of his story finished, but he came back to Rosefelt to end it.

   That only led for another book, Clay's book, to start.

   That wasn't necessarily a bad or good thing, yet.

   Yet. That dreaded, oh so dreaded word. It means that anything could happen; after all, the limits to the world are non-existent. 

   The unknown is a scary place, though.


One week later

   George and Clay had gotten closer as the sun set and rose for the week. Karl would go out each day, most likely to check on Alex after the incident between him and the brunette. While he went out, George and Clay were left in the apartment, alone.

   It started off quite awkward, seeing as what their latest interaction was. George spent most of the first day just trying to make small talk, while also slightly suggesting options for Clay to get help with his appetite troubles.

   George shouldn't have been one to talk, though.

   While all of his attention was on his ex to eat, he sometimes forgot to feed his stomach himself. He barely ate anymore, his meals consisting of an apple and a slice of toast... on a good day. Clay had noticed, and it tore him apart.

   But George was different than Clay when it came to help.

   Clay would get help when he knew it was bad, but George?

   George was scared to get help. He was scared to be considered weak, scared to be considered someone who was desperate.

   But you aren't desperate or weak for getting help. You are strong, by letting someone bare the pain with you instead of carrying it alone.

   So, Clay didn't offer or push for George to also get help with him. It wasn't even that bad, and he knew if it got worse, George would want to get help.

   The brunette knew if he died that it would just claw at Clay until he completely tore at the seams.

   The days of the week continued to pass by quickly. It was the same routine, every single day.

   George woke up at one in the afternoon, while Clay woke up at around 9 in the morning. George was always the sleeper, while the blond was nearly afraid of falling back into that state.

   Ever since he began to get those dreams about George, he was scared to go back.

   He was scared to get heart broken again.

   After George would wake up, his eyes would open to a vacant apartment; Karl would leave to take care of Alex, while Clay would leave to do the unknown.

   The brunette was curious to where he would disappear to, but he didn't question it.

   Sometimes keeping your curiosity in is for the best.

   Once Clay came back around 2 in the afternoon, they would sit on the couch together. Silence would dawn on them, yet it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, but it wasn't quite comfortable either. The silence would just sit there, waiting for someone to break it.

   It was usually George who would break the silence. they would have conversations about anything, ranging from video games to dream vacations. Sometimes laughter would erupt, or sometimes their conversations would be as serious as an earthquake. 

   There was a particular conversation, though, that grew them closer.

   "Of course I have played Minecraft before! Who hasn't?" Clay laughed, his airy, bright, tea kettle wheeze. The shorter of the two had previously asked if he had played Minecraft, if that wasn't obvious.

   "I didn't know! I just didn't really take you as Minecraft type of guy. I honestly thought you would have called it lame," George stated as he shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands in defense. 

   "What is THAT supposed to mean?" Clay asked, curiosity coursing through his veins. 

   "I don't know... just that... I don't know, okay? Leave me alone!" The brunette pouted as he dragged out his lower lip for dramatic effect.

   "Hey, would you want to put our Minecraft beds together..?" Clay playfully flirted and winked, causing both to erupt into a fit of laughter. It was nice, the two of them laughing together again.

   Both didn't know how much they missed it until it actually happened again.

   "Oh shut up, Clay!" George shoved the shoulder of the taller boy jokingly. His voice was laced with fondness, almost as if they were falling for each other all over again.

   George was falling helplessly into love with Clay, again.

   He hated and loved it all at the same time.

   The thing with Clay is that... he never fell out of love. The brunette was stuck in his mind in a constant loop.

   How could somebody not fall for the perfection which is George?

   After that conversation, they started playing Minecraft together. Clay had two computers, so it worked out perfectly. They would play bedwars, standard survival servers, and other things. Teasing would float around in the air as laughs would fly around the room with ease.

   It was perfect. They were perfect.


(943 words)   

A/N again I am so sorry for the wait:( good news is that I felt less stressed, bad news is that I felt bad about not writing HAHA so that's a roller coaster! anyways sorry it's short and sweet but ya know it's a chapter! love you guys<3 eat and drink something if you haven't already:)


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