a thousand miles

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A/N hey y'all this is the (probably) short sequel to bruises! it is very loosely based off of Hey There Delilah so like if u wanna look at the lyrics and interpret them as u like u can lol anyways enjoy!

   (TW mentions of vomit and food struggles)

   Clay was a master of waiting at this point.

   He had dreams of George every single night for months right after George left. They always managed to be an alternate reality where George left, but not for the same reason he did in real life. They always tried to make long distance work in the dreams, seeing as in them George had gone away to college to become a doctor. They made phone calls, made visits rarely, seeing as George was in New York, while Dream was on the other side of the country. They desperately tried to stay together, but they couldn't make it work.

   It tore a piece of Clay's heart every time. 

   George usually complained about how lonely he was in the wretched dreams, and every time Dream would comfort the struggling brunette with words of affirmation, saying that he was only a phone call away. They assured each other that they would work it out.

   They never did.

   And it reminded Clay all too much of reality. 

   A thousand miles seems pretty far

   But they've got planes, and trains, and cars

   I'd walk to you if I had no other way


   the world will never ever be the same

   and you're to blame...

   Clay, time and time again, so desperately craved that feeling of comfort; he craved George. His world was turned upside down and flipped every which way once he met George. He can't blame George, though.

   George radiated an amount of sheer grace wherever he walked. George could easily light up a room with a small smile and a few steps inside of it. All George needed to do was glance at someone, and they'd automatically be smitten.

   George was perfect, while Clay was an imperfection.

   They were perfectly imperfect together, and that's what made them so unique.

   That's the reason Dream wouldn't stop trying to make it work. He would walk a thousand miles and more just to see that beaming smile or his mocha eyes. He would crawl through the Sahara desert just to interlock their fingers.

   Dream would do anything for their lips to reconnect, one last time.

   But they'd never be able to touch their lips together again. They'd never be able to be together again, to be happy with one another again. Because George left, because of Clay's burst of emotions.

   All Clay wanted was for George to be happy, and he'd do anything for him just to see a faint smile during the darkest of times. He'd do anything to see George, one last time. Yet, that was impossible.



   Clay woke up in the same old bed, waking up from the same old dream. His eyes were slightly stained with the same old familiar tears. It's been several months since George left Rosefelt, yet he still is a wreck, still feels devastated about it. 

   The feeling that stands out the most, though, is guilt.

   He knew deep down inside that it was his fault that everything that had happened, happened. He started the stupid fight, which led to the ultimate end of him and George.

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