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Recap: Ivy is working with Luca for the mission on Ivanovs. She has an encounter with him that leaves her with feelings other than hatred, that she doesn't understand.

I grumble upon hearing my 8 am alarm go off for the third time, still ringing despite my wishing it would stop. I could barely sleep a wink last night due to... well, everything. So I'm running on 4 hours of sleep, not to mention that today is my first day working with the devil himself. Fucking great.

I trudge into my bathroom, climbing into the shower to quickly turn the water on before swiftly stepping out to wait for it to heat up. Now moving to the sink, I pull my knotted hair out of the ponytail it was previously confined in.

I undress, pulling the tank top off, and following suite with the rest of my garments.

I step into the shower, the cool tiles providing a contrast against the steaming water. Keeping the shower short, I come out about 15 minutes later, wrapping myself in the soft towel to dry my hair.

I ring the wet strands out with a smaller towel, before combing some leave-in conditioner into it. I put on light makeup, not having the energy  to do anything more extravagant.

I exit the humid room, now walking over to my closet. I enter the walk-in, pulling out a pair of athletic leggings and a t-shirt to head downstairs.

I sigh in content as I let the smell of eggs and bacon fill the air around me, while I enter the kitchen. I plop myself down on one of the island's chairs and begin working on my plate our chef, Claire, had placed in front of me.

"This is so fucking good." I praise her while she puts food an a few more plates for people who eat breakfast later on in the morning, earning a small smile in return. After doing so, she quickly cleans up her workspace, reminding me that she has a doctor's appointment and that she couldn't stay any longer. I thank her and wave her goodbye as she heads out through the open entrance leading to the ktichen.

Just as I'm finishing up and about to make myself another coffee, I feel a presence next to me. Glancing to my left, I'm greeted with none other than Luca Laurent sitting next to me.

"Vine," he greeted.

Excuse me?

"The fuck did you just call me?" I challenge.

"Vine? Is that not your name? Oh I'm sorry! I meant shrub." He provokes, fake confusion and remorse lacing his words and expression.

My jaw clenches and my fist tightens around my fork. He enrages me.

"You're not funny. You have the same comedic intelligence as a third grader on crack." I retaliate.

"I bet I can make you laugh, King." He declares randomly.

"Oh really? Well I don't." I conclude with fake interest in whatever bullshit is coming out of his mouth.

Quicker than I can comprehend what is happening, he's standing behind me, hot mouth next to my ear. "Challenge accepted, Ivyprofen." He whispers against me before walking out of the kitchen, making my heart do things it's never done before.

I have a feeling these horrid nicknames are gonna be his new favorite hobby.


I head back upstairs after finishing my breakfast to change into something more professional.

I pull my hair back into a ponytail and throw on some jeans and a sweater, and of course, my boots.

I do a double take as I make my way out of the house, once I see Luca sprawled on the living room couch, reading a book.

Luca LaurentWhere stories live. Discover now