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A/N: Ivy was not late on her birth control pill
Also, I know you guys are due for a Luca POV but I felt like Ivy also needed to have a part in this chapter, her perspective is really important.
I'm sorry if you guys were looking forward to it, I'll slip in an extra Luca POV in the next several chapters to make up for it :)

TW!!: mentions of rape/sexual assault

                        Luca POV

It didn't fucking work. I thought it was just tension, ignored the pure rage I feel whenever another man touches her, or the weird sensation in my chest I get whenever when she laughs.

I was so fucking wrong. If anything, I want more now. So much fucking more.

I glance down at the beautiful woman under me, her messy hair splayed all over her flawless face. Her full lips are slightly pouted and it takes everything in me to not lean down and kiss them.

She shuffles slightly, bringing attention to the fact that her perfect body lays uncovered next to mine, a thin sheet the only thing separating us. My hand on her waist tightens and I have to inhale a sharp intake of breath upon the thought, images of last night clouding my mind.

Unable to help myself, I reach over and snake my arm further around her waist, gently gripping on her other side, and lifting her on top of me. Her body lays on top of mine, the tips of her feet reaching slightly past my mid-calf, her head turned as it lays against my chest. She lets out a soft sigh and subconsciously wraps her arms around my waist.

I place my visibly larger hands on her exposed lower back. The duvet covers it, but I can feel the warmth emanating from her soft skin and transferring onto my colder hands. I sense myself hardening at the feeling.

Maybe this wasn't my finest idea.

A bright ray of sun shines through the curtains, landing straight on her face and illuminating her heavenly features. I try to reach my hand up to block it, but I can tell from the hard squeeze of her eyes that it already woke her up.

I wish there was a way I could kill the sun.

I suddenly feel the weight of her arms around my torso missing, but just as quickly notice those same arms reaching up for a stretch, one arm per side of my face. Her back arches slightly while she stretches, pressing all of her into me.

This woman will be the death of me.

She lets out a yawn, and with one last pinch of her eyes, opens her mesmerizing green irises, looking straight at me.

She looks down to the sheets before gripping the white fabric with one hand all while simultaneously opening her long legs to straddle me and bringing her upper body upwards. The sheets she's holding of her cover her and I frown slightly at the action.

Placing my hands on her back once again, "Don't hide your perfect body from me, Amour."

I feel the thighs of her thighs press into either side of me, my hands subconsciously pressing into her sides at the action. I send her a knowing smirk to which she rolls her eyes, yet a small smile plays on her lips.

I sit up with her still straddling me, leaning against the headboard and looking down at her adjusting body. Her wriggling hips certainly don't help with my situation, but my attention is still focused on the sheets she's grabbing.

It fucking stuns me that she would be even remotely insecure about her body. I mean Christ, men fucking walk into death traps just at the sight of it.

Luca LaurentМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя