Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!

Start from the beginning

Madeline: stretching!

Caroline: so cute!!

Jason: okay all fresh!

Caroline: let's roll

*starts driving to the mall*

*stella screaming crying*

Addy: *kissing stella and rubbing her head* its okay Stella! We are almost there!

Madeline: you are such a great big cousin Addy!

*arrive at the mall*

Daniel: thank God we're here! I can't take the screaming baby anymore

Madeline: hey this is the first time she's been in the car since we brought her home from the hospital.

Caroline: Addy was the one calming her down too!

Madeline: *takes Stella out of her car seat* it's okay baby girl mommy's got you!

Madeline: *puts Stella in stroller*

Caroline: baby girls first stroller ride

Addy: I want to push the stroller!

Madeline: you can come help me push her!

Caroline: let's go to the baby store first I want to see all the little baby stuff!

Madeline: yes!

Jason: okay well Daniel and I are going roam around

Madeline: alright call me if you need

Stella: *starts crying*

Madeline: aww baby what's wrong?

Madeline: she needs a diaper change

Caroline: I'm bringing Addy to the kids section

Madeline: hey watch her stroller for me please

Caroline: what did you say?

Madeline: *changing the baby*

Madeline: okay baby girl let's go find nanny and Addy and put you back in your stroller

Caroline: *talking to the baby* you're all better sweet girl!

Madeline: yes she is! Where's her stroller?

Caroline: you brought it with you

Madeline: no I asked you to watch it

Caroline: no remember I told you I was going to the women's section.

Madeline: oh no then who was I talking to...

Caroline: I don't know!

Madeline: all of her stuff was in there! And my purse!

Caroline: okay don't panic let's go see if the security guard will check the cameras

Madeline: okay

Madeline: excuse me my baby's stroller was just stolen and my purse and all of her stuff is in there. Can you look at the security footage to see who took it?

Security: yes ma'am

Security: *looks at security footage*

Security: look that's her

Madeline: okay thank you so much!

Caroline: I'll call Daniel and they can come help

Madeline: perfect

Caroline: *calls Daniel*

Daniel: hello

Caroline: hey Daniel someone stole Stella's stroller and Madeline's purse was in it too.

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