Lucas groans frustratedly and slumps back down in his seat. "Ugh. No fair."

My lips quirk up into a grin. "You'll just have to wait and see amor." I shake my head amusedly.

What I had planned for Lucas, I hoped he would love. This birthday plan had been in the making for the past week now, ever since that dinner with Lucas' parents. Lucas had told me that night that he hadn't had a meaningful birthday in a long, long time and that confession had just about broken me; that is why I was determined to make this coming birthday as meaningful as I possibly could. I wanted it to be his best birthday yet.

"You know I have no patience," he grumbles.

Smiling, I shake my head and begin rubbing at my mouth. "Okay, change of subject," I grin, "do I have crumbs on my face?"

Lucas slumps back forward. "Yes," he points at the corner of his lips, nodding and I mirror the place on my face.

I rub the spot. "Did I get it?"


I rub at a different place. "Now?"

Lucas shakes his head. "No. Let me." He leans across the table and tries to thumb away the crumbs before pausing, his eyes scanning my face.

"All gone?" I ask.

Lucas shakes his head once again. "I think I missed a spot." His thumb pulls against my bottom lip, his eyes dilating the tiniest bit. "Mhm, you got a little here," I see a small smile twitch on his lips before his mouth descends on mine.

The kiss is light, with his tongue only slightly peeking out to caress my lips before he pulls back again.

"There," he makes a satisfied noise, "no crumbs."

"Great." I nod eagerly, blinking. "But maybe you should check again?"

A small laugh pushes through his lips but he cups my cheek gently and gives me another soft kiss. Lucas keeps it PG-13 seeing as we're in public but I'm still flushed all over, my blood thrumming through my veins when he pulls back again.

Whew. I need to fan myself.

Lucas however, seems to hold a completely different reaction to our kiss.

My heart rate further spikes incredibly high when Lucas moves away and lets out a shriek, almost toppling over his milkshake glass in the process as he slams back down onto his seat.

My soul almost jumps out of my body as my eyes flick back onto him and then around us to find out why he's screaming.

His shriek is then shortly followed by my shriek when I spot the reason for his said, shrieking.

We both shriek because sitting beside me is Ivy. IVY.

Where the fuck did she materialise from?!?

"Izzy," Lucas turns to me, his mouth dropped open, his chest heaving up and down from the aftermath of his shock, "I don't think my fever is gone completely because how is SHE here? This must be an awful fever dream. Correction, fever nightmare."

I stare pointedly at Lucas before turning back at Ivy to see if she's real and not just a figment of my imagination. My eyes scroll down her frame; taking in her strawberry blonde hair that's pulled back into a french braid, her face free of makeup and her lilac colour coordinated outfit. Ivy fights back a roll of her eyes as I do this and does so with immense pressure because it makes it appear like her eye is twitching creepily. Funnily, this confirms that yup, this is real Ivy sitting beside me alright.

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