Luke was still standing in the middle of my living room, hands deep in his pockets, waiting for me patiently. The view made me weak on my knees and I tripped on my high heels.

"Be careful!" he quickly caught my shoulders to steady me and I blushed furiously.

"I am no match for high heels." I bubbled.

"You look gorgeous. Don't worry about high heels, hold my hand." He extended his hand waiting for me to take it and I did, I rested my palm on his and he squished it lightly before guiding me out to the hallway.

"Thank you, you look hot too." I answered while looking down to the floor, somehow I became really shy.

We rode the lift in silent and I noticed that he didn't let go of me, his warm large palm wrapped mine and his thumb rubbed the back of my hand, oh gosh I couldn't help myself for not leaning my head on his strong arm.

"Why taking me out?" I finally asked.

He turned his head to look at me, "You said you want to have a dream date. So this is it."

"Oh? With you?"

"Why not? It's only for tonight. Or you'd rather stay at home and watch tv? I don't mind."

"No, no, this is good. Thank you."

"Good." Again he went silent. When we reached the ground floor he let go of my hand to pull something out from his trousers' pocket, a car key with Mercedes Benz key ring.

Wow, I thought.

"I borrow my mom's car for tonight." He grinned and guided me to the parking lot by resting his hand on my lower back, I shivered. His touch was so gentle and careful as if he was worry that he would break me if he was too rough.

A new two door Mercedes parked just right next to my car, and the light flashed slightly when he pressed the remote control.

"Nice car...." I trailed its front light with my fingers.

"SLK series, my mom got it last week." He opened the passenger door for me and waited when I slowly slid my petit body in. This car was incredible, the leather seat immediately wrapped my body as if it welcomed me into its luxurious interior.

Luke turned on the engine, and it purr softly, too soft that I almost couldn't hear it.

" I wish I had a car like this....." I touched the dashboard dreaming about driving it in the highway, it must feel amazing.

"Do you want to drive it?"

"Oh, no... no... no..... you drive. I would be too nervous to drive a car that worth more than my yearly salary."

He laughed, "Don't be silly. My mom would just buy another one. I've scratched her BMW when I was in uni and she just shook her head before picking up a phone and called the dealer to swap it with the newer model"

"She wasn't mad at you?"

"No, she said being upset about money only cause heartbreak. I ended up taking her shopping whole day just to say I am sorry. That was worth a million dollar, shopping with my mom can be more tiring than going to the gym for 8 hours."

"You rich people...."

"Not me, my parents." He corrected.

"Yes, yes, your parents." I agreed. Luke always denied the fact that he was the only heir of Russo family, one of the richest families in the country. He lived and worked like ordinary people, he didn't earn much, even my car was better than his. His wardrobe was from the rack, cheap shoes, cheap haircut, he didn't even hang out with rich kids. Yes they talked and had meeting sometimes but not as friends, they talked about business. At least that was what he said to me. He had some investments but he never told me what, he just said that he wanted to prepare a good future for him, his wife and kids. I used to laugh at him whenever he mentioned about his plan to have a family.

If I Take That ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now