Chapter 5: Struggle For Trost Part 3

Start from the beginning

"You can use this instead," Eren tells her.
"Thanks, I guess..." Ayane replied then walked off.

It wasn't until the next day that Eren noticed she wore the ribbon in her hair that was up in its usual high ponytail. Smiling he then was confronted by Mikasa and Armin about it which he explained with a faint blush on his face.

                                                                     **Flash Back End**

"Let's just get this done," Ayane replied walking off.

Armin frowned as he watched Ayane walk off, he knew Ayane barely let anyone in as she clearly knew better than everyone here how losing people to titans constantly was...while Mikasa looked at her with a stoic expression not sure what she was thinking.

Losing Eren just proved to Ayane that getting close to people much less making promises with them would just bite her in the ass in a blink of an eye...all of them could die real soon all it ends up being is a waiting game on who goes first.

With the plan in motion, those up above got into position while waiting for the lift to lower, when it arrived each and everyone inside got their guns ready, each titan slowly took steps towards them, Marco was the one to steady everyone until they were close enough. When they were he shouted and from there everyone began shooting at the eyes of the titans, from there each one above to action and one by one they sliced at the nape killing them.

All but two...

"Sorry..." Sasha says.
"Mikasa! Annie! Get the napes! I'll go for its ankles!!" Ayane shouts.
"On it!" Mikasa replies.

Quickly so Sasha and Connie didn't get grabbed or eaten Ayane quickly cut at the titan's ankles giving Mikasa and Annie leverage to slice the nape deeper than Sasha's attack, Sasha went all over Mikasa thanking her did try to go for Ayane but a single glare forced her away.

Restocking their supplies Ayane took a glance at the ribbon now nicely wrapped around her right wrist, once everything was in place she ran a few fingers over it as her mind drifted towards Eren once more.

'Somehow I found myself looking forward to joining the Scouts with you, Eren...' Ayane thought.

"Do you think Ayane will be alright? The both of them did make a few promises a few years ago..." Armin asks worriedly about Ayane.
"Who knows, she does hate making promises...maybe this is why," Mikasa replies.

Once they all had their supplies restocked everyone quickly left to go deal with more of the titans to kill them all, Mikasa and Armin though noticed Ayane up on the roof, looking at one another they shrugged their shoulders and soon joined her.

The sight she was seeing though? Well...the other titans were eating away at the abnormal that was the one to hunt its own down. Mikasa was disappointed in a way since she was hoping that titan could be what turns the tide of humanities fight with them...Riner on the other hand agreed and believed they should get rid of any titans that wanted to harm it.

"Are you out of your mind!? We got a way out of here and you want to stay?" Jean asked horrified.
"Think about it. Having an abnormal as an ally is an incredible advantage right? A cannon has got nothing when it wants to rip apart its own kind." Annie adds in.
"Do you hear yourself? It's not like he's a new friend." Jean says.
"Protecting a titan? That's surely a first...not something I thought we'd end up doing in the end though." Ayane sighed.

The titan that ate Tomas arrived and the abnormal titan lunged for it despite all the titans eating away at its body. It bit into the neck of the titan and raised it up into the air shocking everyone, he then used that titan in his mouth to take down the other titans around him even when his arms were torn off.

Dropping that titan it took one more roar before it fell down exhausted, but the next sight was shocking even for Ayane...Eren was seen coming out of the nape of the titan when it began to disappear, blue eyes widen as she followed Mikasa down towards the boy not believing this to actually be true.

"Mikasa is he..." Ayane asked.
"His''s beating!" Mikasa says after checking.

Mikasa began to cry in relief while Ayane felt relief herself, she herself couldn't cry too much as others could but she did let out a breathless relieved chuckle, the others arrived and everyone helped bring Eren back to a high building safely, Mikasa was still hugging him while crying, Ayane, on the other hand, had Eren's face cupped in her hands as she stroked his cheek with one of her thumbs.

"I thought...I thought you said he...." Ayane says.
"How is this...possible," Armin says as he grabbed Eren's hand and interlocked their fingers together.
"So Eren...did all this?" Jean asked when he looked at the corpses of titans.

'But how...Armin said he watched him how is he here now?' Ayane thought tear only forming at the corner of her eyes but not falling at all.

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