Chapter23: One game for old times

Start from the beginning

And right now, it looks like 'Caption Ray' is coming back to life again from how he's calling most of the guys by their last names instead of their first names like he's their coach.
Looking between the guys and me before asking me, "When was the last time you've played a game, Jenna?"

Shrugging my shoulders while blowing a raspberry thinking about it, "Since the first weekend of being on campus."

Nodding his head slowly while a curious look grew on his face, "And you're still haven't found any team outside of campus that you could play for yet."

Shaking my head while exhaling deeply, "By the looks of things, I don't think I'm ever gonna be playing soccer for the rest of the year."

I've started looking for girls' soccer teams outside of KAU for some time now and has gotten nowhere. Most of them I had to register for like right at the beginning of the year.
While the rest needed me to pay them for every game I play with them along paying for the team shirt that will have my name on the back of it. Which would be giving more than fifty bucks for all of those things.

I've never been able to talk about finding a team outside of campus with my friends, because it might seem like I'm complaining to them again or something.
I can't even talk to David about this, for two valuable reasons, one, he might either call me 'girly' or whatever stupid names that come to mind and don't see the point to it. And two, he might, just might try help me get into some of the teams that works with money which I don't want from him.

Besides if Stephanie finds out about it, she'll start some stupid rumour on my family being poor or needing finical help from others.
Which I will not let happen or Amber Roerich would write stupid juicy story for KAU newspaper, heading,

'KAU's amazing Queen of Battles, Jennifer Hawkins gets finical support from dreamboat and bad boy David McLellan'.

Yeah, big negative on both case scenarios.
Unlike those things, Raymond is very different, he's my number one, closest and loyal friend that I ever have had. He's the one person who I can talk about anything that could be bothering me without being judged or criticize in anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I love my campus friends to bits, but there's no one else who could ever be compared to him ever. Then out of nowhere, Raymond called out, "Chamizo and Tilman, sit this one game out for me and Jenna." Wait, what?

Before I could even say anything, Ray was already pulling me in the middle of their made up 'field', setting us up as strikers.
Pointing forward where his old team's goalkeeper was standing between the goal post that they've made with their sweatshirts with a big, cheeky smile, "We score over there. One game for old times' sake."

Well since all of my friends back at campus are busy with assessments and essays while mine were already handed in, one game wouldn't hurt anybody. Before saying anything back to him, the two guys who's Ray's old team's midfielders were speeding towards us with the ball.

One of them tried passing the ball over to the one on the right which I read well enough to head it down and starting dribbling towards the goal.

With Ray and the other guys on our team following behind, we got pass the defend and scored with help from my partner in crime.
Ray and I have been playing soccer together since we were kids, most of the tactics and game plans that we use with each other's teams are hours and hours of practising and playing together for years.

Between seven and nine years old we use to play on a girls and boys soccer team where we played together and have become an unstoppable force over the years. Even when we started high school, we would always find time to play together.

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