Chapter 1

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Tony's Pov.

Ugh... I hate this movie. It's so old and black and white. Steve is lucky I love him or this would have been shut off already and replaced with something a little more interesting. I look around not paying any attention to the movie to see if it was holding the attention of the others. Clint looked like he was quietly trying to make Bruce angry, but Bruce pushed him aside so he could pay attention to the movie, looking genuinely entertained by what Steve had put on the screen. Natasha was letting Spiderman finally play with her hair, nothing crazy but there were just a couple small braids in it. Deadpool was elsewhere, said something about how he had some work he had to take care of, promising that it didn't have anything to do with killing people though, or as he would said, 'unaliving' people. It didn't really matter though since he was never really invited and just showed up randomly. I snuggled closer to Steve and he kissed my forehead. I started to quietly sing the itsy bitsy spider for no apparent reason other than boredom. It just happened to be the first song that popped into my head, probably due to the fact that spider-kid is spidery and I hadn't seen Peter in a while, not that the two had any connection at all but I used to sing the song to Peter as a child. By the time I had finished the phrase 'down came the rain' Spiderman had webbed my mouth shut. My eyes widened in surprise and everyone laughed at me. I quickly started to pull it off my mouth and it took a lot of effort, though the effort part wasn't surprising given that I help him work out the serum from time to time.

"Oh my god. Gross. That was disgusting. What was that for?" I asked him, face contorting as I continued to try and peel off the remains of the goo, I was lucky it wasn't the serum that he uses to stick to buildings otherwise I could be ripping my face off here.

"You really don't want to know." He said and ducked his head down sheepishly like he was embarrassed of what the real answer was.

We continued to watch the movie, well Steve, Bruce, and Natasha did, when I had the greatest idea ever. Wade wasn't here to try and poke and prod the answer out and I wanted, no needed to know why that song gave him that sort of reaction. I whispered in Steve's ear. "I really want to find out why he doesn't like that song. Maybe if we annoy him enough with it then he'll tell us." I don't think he'll go along with it but a few minutes later I heard him humming the song quietly and I smiled. I saw Spidey tense and I started humming also. Soon everyone was humming it and it looked like Spiderman was going to explode under his suit.

"Can you guys please stop humming or singing that? It's bad enough at Wade's place, but here too?" He says frustrated and then continues to play with Tasha's hair to distract himself. Why would he hear it at Wilson's place, scratch that, so him and Wilson hang out outside of patrolling and the tower? It's not really surprising but in all the years that he's been he's never mentioned it before.

"Why do you hear it there?" Natasha asks.

"It's the only thing that calms Jason down. Hours upon hours." He says while he's completely focused on Natasha's hair, probably not even knowing that he was spilling more information about himself in the process.

So there is a Jason who apparently isn't the calmest and Wilson or Spider-kid play or sing the itsy bitsy spider to calm him down? Who is this Jason? Possibly another up and coming hero or vigilante?

We have him so distracted that I don't think he realizes he is answering all of this but as long as things stay this way maybe we could get some real info from the kid.

"Who's Jason?" Clint asks, still flicking Bruce's face like he was before. "Wilson's side piece or something?"

"He's..." He started and then his phone started buzzing, snapping him out of his distracted trance. "Sorry I've got to take this." He said and walked out of the room quickly.

I look at the others "The perfect chance to test the upgrade to the tech I made earlier today." I told them and pulled the hearing device that would allow us to hear the phone conversation in the other room.

"Tony we can't just spy on him. He clearly left the room for a reason." Bruce tried to reason.

"Come on Bruce, just grab one and listen in. The kid hides too much from us anyway, why can't we just sneak a peek into whatever this call is." Clint grabs a device and held it near ear since he already had his hearing aids in his ears.

"I don't know, this doesn't seem right, he should have the right to his privacy if he truly doesn't want to hear." Steve gave me a look but I shrug it off and put the device in my ear anyway.

The conversation seemed to be part way through when I started hearing it but I blame Bruce and Steve for making me miss the beginning.

"Babe, you and Jay are my family also. You guys need me right now so I'll come. I love you." The voice clearly was from the kid, who was Babe though. Jay could have been that Jason that he mentioned earlier, it was possible they were the same person, which could have meant that he was heading to Wilson's right now given that that's the only place we know of Jason being.

"I love you too Pea. Please be here soon." The person from the other end of the phone said, it definitely sounded like Wilson, though I was just thinking it might have been him so that could have been my thoughts leading what I was hearing.

"As fast as I can." Spidey says and hangs up.


"He's coming. Act natural!" I say and play the movie again."Oh how interesting indeed. I never noticed that about this scene." I say loudly as I attempt acting natural.

He walks in. "Sorry guys but duty calls. I got to head out."

"Oh that's fine. We could help if you want." I tell him, trying to pry more information about who he actually was under the mask because all I've got from today is that he knows where Wilson lives, he knows a guy named Jason, and that his name starts with P? Possibly?

"No that's fine. It's nothing too big anyway. See ya." He says and climbs out the window and he can be seen swinging away.

"Guys did you hear that?" I asked.

"No because we weren't spying on him like you." Steve shook his head.

"Well I was and I did." Clint said. "His name is Pee." He snorted a laugh.

"Pee? Like Peeing or Pea the vegetable because that could really help narrow things down." Bruce said, getting intrigued.

"I'm sure it's just his initial. I don't think he'd actually be named after a bodily fluid." Natasha shook her head. "Next time we see him you can just ask."

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