"We're clearly still in the dark when it come who Kite really is!?"

"But we did learnt something new during the last duel. He can't be controlled by the powers of the Number Cards. Up until now, the duelists we have faced who were using Number Cards were being controlled by the cards. The Numbers had taken them over, and were making them act strangely, or against their wills...But that does not seem to be the case with Kite. He seems to be perfectly in control. It is very possible that Kite may be in possession of a power, that is not of this world." Astral concluded as he remember all the time that Kite have summon a Number in the duels without fallen under their influence 

That caused Yuma to stop for a moment by the riverside as he turn to look at Astral with a surprised expression on his face

"Whoa, what sort of power?" Yuma asked him

"I do not know...but his Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon that he uses. The light that lives inside that monster triggers a strange feeling inside of me. It makes wonder if the dragon, comes from a different world... as well as Mystical Universe Armor Dragon" Astral answered, thinking about both Kite's and Sakura's dragons and how they both interact with each other 

"Good morning, Yuma! Good morning, Astral!" A voice greeted them as the duo of Yuma and Astral turn around to see Sakura and Anubis 

"Morning, Kura" Yuma greeted the older female as she make her way over to him 

"So about Kite and his power...." Sakura said as she began to trailed off her sentence.

"Got it! It might help if we figure out how collecting Numbers Cards help him. How are your memories supposed to help him save his little brother?" Yuma asked Astral

"Do you have any ideas, Lightstick?" Anubis asked him as Sakura was quiet for a moment. "From what I can gather, Kite absolutely love his brother. But something terrible has happen to him. Kite would o absolutely anything to see that his brother is safe and healthy. I believe someone has told Kite told that collecting all of the Numbers will cure his little brother" Anubis explained

"That make sense" Sakura said 

"Perhaps they cannot save him. Perhaps this is about stopping me." Astral suggested as both Sakura and Yuma eyes widen as the trio that consist of Yuma, Sakura and Anubis was looking at Astral with a worried and concern look on their face

"Stopping you?" Yuma asked 

"Why?" Sakura asked him. "Wh...What? Stopping you? Why? The Numbers that we collected has pieces of your memories." Sakura said as she wonder who else is interested in collecting all of the Numbers, beside  her, Yuma and Kite

"Suppose that upon regaining my memories, I will discover something that threaten his plans. We do not know what situation Hart is in. What if me regaining my memories...is what put him in danger?" Astral asked as Yuma recall the picture that he and Sakura both saw in Kite Laboratory

"So your saying that Kite gathering the Numbers might be  about making something happen, it might be about making sure that nothing doesn't happen?" Yuma asked, before his eyes widen in fear and panic as he realised something. "Diya! Ahhhh! What're we doing!? We're late!" Yuma exclaimed as both he and Sakura quickly began to run faster as they both ran toward Heartland Academy, with Astral and Anubis floating behind the duo

"Hey Kura?" 

"Yes, Yuma?" Sakura answer him 

"Grandma and Kari wanted to know if you want to come over after school for dinner?" Yuma asked her while running. It was no secret that Tsukumo family love and adore Sakura as one of their own. 

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