The Pack: Part 2

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Outside Heartland Museum:

The Tag Duel between Shark and Yuma vs Scorch and Chills wasn't going exactly as plan. Both Yuma and Shark were down to 2400 and 1100 lifepoints each, Scorch lost half of his lifepoints while Chills remain unharmed. It doesn't help that Scorch have summon his Number out on the field as the duo that consist of Yuma and Shark doesn't have any monsters on their field to attack or defend with 

Shark: 1100 / Yuma: 2400 / Chills: 4000 / Scorch: 2400 

"You shouldn't have messed with us, you two. You should've stayed home in your pajamas."

"I think what my partner meant to say, is that should've stayed in your crib, in your diapers!" Chills taunt both Yuma and Shark, before they both snickered, making Sakura mad at the thugs

"Certainly takes one to know one!" Sakura retorted as the two men glance over at her as they both gave her an evil glare towards the aqua haired girl.

"You be quiet!" Chills demanded, only for Sakura to let out a small smirk, to which it anger the duo of Chills and Scorch. Both Bronk and Tori shiver in fright of her.

"They're laughing at us!" Yuma exclaimed as he and Shark got up on their feets, ready to duel 

"Nope, it just you"

"Sakura!" Both Tori and Bronk shout at the aqua haired girl 

"What? Just saying" Sakura replied as the trio that consist of herself, Tori and Bronk turn their attention towards the Tag Duel 

"Yeah, you're right. But don't worry, cuz we have the advantage now Yuma." Shark said as Yuma look over at him. "Volcasaurus used up all of its overlay units already" Shark points out that that Scorch Number can't activate any of it effect as it no longer has any overlay units

"Alright, so that means no more special ability!" Yuma exclaimed excitedly. The battle is just the  beginning.

"That may be true, pipsqueak, but I didn't need it to take out Shark anyway" Scorch tells them, "Cause ya see, my Volcasaurus can attack him directly!" Scorch commanded as Volcasaurus let out a fiery blast of fire towards it target, hoping to end Shark

"Look out!" Yuma yelled out, warning him of the upcoming attack 

"I activate my trap, Zeus's Breath!" Shark said as he activate his face-down card ,as a Poseidon-like figure appear on the field. "This card can blow off your monster attack" He explained as the Poseidon-like figure raise his triton up, as he summon a trio of water jet-streams towards the upcoming attack as the two elemental battle it out, until the streams of water evaporate the flames

"Grh, it looks like you lucked out this time..." Scorch said as he look surprised at the fact that Shark have negate Volcasaurus attack, keeping the purple hair boy still in the duel 

"Whooo. That was a close one" Yuma sigh in relief as he kept his gaze towards the pair infront of him and Shark, ( including Astral)

"That was too close," Sakura mutter underneath her breath as she let out a small sigh

"You think you're safe now?" Chills asked the black and pink hair boy with a menacingly tone in his voice as his iris glow red 

"There's one way that this is ending, you're gonna lose, and Utopia's gonna be ours!" Scorch replied in a sinister voice, his eyes lock onto his prey. "I place two cards face-down and end my turn!" He said as two facedown card materialize infront of him

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