Hunting Down The Hunter: Part 2

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Inside Kite's lab:

"Astral! Anubis! Where are you guys!?" A frantic Yuma called out as the group that consist of himself, Sakura, Tori, Bronk, Caswell and Cathy were running down the long hallway from inside the lab, trying to rescue Astral and Anubis from Kite. "Hang on you two! We're on the way!" He declared as the group continue on running like their lives depend on it.

Completely unaware of Orbital 7 watch them through the security camera's in the main lab. "Aww. I got to stop Yuma and Sakura before this get out of control! Better call for backup"

He extend his robotic arms forward to hit two command keys on the computer keyboard, "Calling Orbital Five and Six: Bash those brats!"

The group were doing fine, up until a large block of iron fall in front of the group. "I guess we can't go this way" Yuma commented on the situation, making Sakura to roll her eyes at him. Out of nowhere, a other large block of iron fall behind the group, trapping them in

"Or that way as well!" Caswell exclaimed, midly spooked at the sight infront and behind them.

"What the worst thing that could happen?" Sakura asked, only for the two colour blocks of iron to began to morph into their true form, revealing them to be massive anthropomorphic robots

The first one transform into a large teal, silver combative gorilla and the second one transform into a yellow, black and red mechanical combative  arachnid. These two are Orbital 5 and Orbital 6, ( turn out that Orbital have call his brothers for back-up).  The two mech's began to advance on the ants below them, hoping to crush them, ready to do their brother bidding to protect their master 

The trio that consist of Yuma, Bronk and Caswell all turn around to glare at the aqua hair girl, who had a nervous smile on her face 

"You just have to jinx it, didn't you?" Caswell said 

"My bad" Sakura said as she sheepishly shrug her shoulder

"This welcoming party doesn't look friendly" Tori said, as she is absolutely terrified and scared of the sight before her.

This was before the teal mechanical gorilla began his attack at the group, as it lunged one of his arms forward, forcing them all to scramble away in a effort to dodge the attack. It completely missed his attack as his metallic fist hit the empty spot that were preoccupied earlier on.

Yuma leaps up and counterattack the robot with a attack on his own, kicking the mech in the head with a kick of his own. The mechanical gorilla fall over backwards due to the impact of the attack 

Meanwhile, the spider mech began it own attack using his pincers, it completely missed Caswell, Cathy and Sakura ( who was in awe at the sight of the mech) as it accidently puncture the cold, concrete floor. Both Caswell and Sakura jump back from it fail attack as Cathy position herself into a cat-like crouch before sliding underneath the spider mech's legs, and onto the other side of the mech

Once again, Yuma got the mechanical gorilla attention, the mech trying to get payback from the attack that Yuma gave it. It lunges straight toward him, aiming to punch his victim, only for Yuma to backflip away from the upcoming attack. However, Yuma ended up in sight of the spider mech behind him.

Falling off balance as he flap both of his arms around, trying to balance himself up, the spider mech launch itself into the air, ready to strike. It let out a robotic hiss as Yuma turn around, his eyes full of fear and panic. Before it could attack, Bronk intersect the attack as he shoulder tackle the spider mech into the wall sideways 

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