Training Days: Part 2

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The wooden statues of the legendary Duel monsters of Flame Swordsman, Rainbow Dragon, and Elemental Hero Flame Wingman on the sidelines of the duel are dramatically shadowed by the flashes of lightning outside the window. The Dark Magician statue appears to frown sternly while Dark Magician Girl looks on solemnly, as another blast of lightning hits outside the window at their backs

"I will truly be the master of this duel sanctuary, and the legendary deck you hold so dear will be mine! And then I will be unstoppable!!" Kaze said as he place two facedown card down as they both appear on his field.

"Uggghhh!" Yuma grunt before he continue, "Look, samurai-guy, I don't even know what this legendary deck is! All I know is that Master Roku doesn't want you to have you're not gonna get it!" Yuma exclaimed as he only have Gagaga Magician on his field. 

" Hmph! You would be wise to rethink this duel and quit now. Trust me; do not stand in my way. For if you do...I will show no mercy! And you will feel my wrath!! " Kaze answer as his Blade Armor Ninja has 2200 attack points, compared to Yuma Gagaga Magician 

Blade Armor Ninja ATK: 2200 / DEF: 1000 / Rank 4

"Show 'im what you're made of, Yuma!" Bronk cheer on his friend

 "This guy was your student? Was he, like, any good?" Tori said as she asked Roku 

Roku replied to her, "He was the best student I've ever had, until the darkness filled his heart and corrupted his spirit."

"Bring it on, ya big windbag!" Yuma shouted as he draw a card from his deck. "I draw!! Now if I lower Dododo Warrior's attack points by five hundred, I can summon it to the field!"

Dododo Warrior ATK: 2300/ DEF: 900/ Level 6

A heavily-armored viking warrior armed with a huge axe appear on the field. This was Dododo Warrior, out of nowhere his attack points are lower to 1800.

Dododo Warrior ATK: 1800 / DEF: 900 / Level 6

"You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Kaze explained, "If you had tributed Gagaga Magician to summon Dododo Warrior, it would've come to the field with more attack points than my Blade Armor Ninja."

"Why would Yuma keep 'is Magician if it means making Dododo Warrior weaker?" Bronk asked, only to get a shrug of Sakura 

"Yuma... did you do that just to protect your Magician?" Astral asked him

"You got a problem with that?!" Yuma commented as Astral look on secretly, deeply pleased with Yuma strategy

"I do not." Yuma let out a grin. "All right, next up, I activate the Full-Force Strike spell card from my hand! When our monsters battle, neither one of us takes damage, but your monster will be destroyed!" Yuma said as Dododo Warrior began to glows around the edges, as it was powered up by the spell card.

"Now I'm gonna attack your Blade Armor Ninja with Dododo Warrior! Go, Dododo Axe!" Yuma commanded as Dododo jump high into the air, as it raising his axe, ready to strike a blow. The only thing that different here is that Dododo Warrior only have 1800 attackpoints to it name, whilst Blade Armor Ninja has 2200 attackpoints 

"I activate my trap....Armor Ninjitsu Art of Freezing!" Kaze said as he counterattack Dododo Warrior attack as a single bolt strikes it, stopping the attack. " When there's a ninja on my field, this trap not only stops your monster's attack, but it binds your so-called friend so that it can't change battle mode!"

Both of Gagaga Magician and Dododo Warrior are wrapped around the middle with glowing chains. This was not good at all. "Rrrgghhh..." Yuma growl in anger 

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