Hunting Down The Hunter: Part 1

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Heartland Academy rooftop:

Cascade of thunder rumble throughout the stormy heaven about the academy, signalling the beginning of a massive thunderstorm

It been a while since the tragic outcome of the duel between Shark and Kite, which resulted in Shark losing his soul and Kite retreat with both of Sakura and Yuma's pendants. Sakura was standing on the edge of the academy roof, where Kite had made his quick getaway, with a sickening, sad and heartbroken  expression on her face

She was worried and afraid for the safety of both of her friends who were stolen away with their pendants 

"Astral...Anubis..I hope you guys are safe" Sakura thought to herself 

Meanwhile, Yuma rush over to check on the aged, horrified Shark, who laid lifeless on his back on the cold hard floor.

"Shark! Come on, wake up! Can you hear me? Please ya gotta snap out of it...!" Yuma shouted out as his eyes began to water as he begun to shake Shark by his shoulders,  trying to find any sort of sign that Shark being in tune with the real world. The only thing that Yuma got out of Shark was a couple of weak groan from the fallen male

Both he and Sakura knew that it was too late for Shark

"Oh man. This look bad" Bronk repiled as the group that consist of himself, Tori, Caswell and Cathy was stood near Yuma and the fallen Shark as they'll look at the scene with a scared expression on their faces. Sakura made her way over to the group

"We need to get him out of here. Can someone please, phone the ambulance" Sakura said worried as Caswell quickly got out his duel gazer out of his pocket as he phone the ambulance service for Shark. The group stay together as the ambulance arrive to take Shark to the hospital. Meanwhile, the group decided to skip school in order to go and see Shark


Inside Kite's laboratory:

Inside the main lab, Kite was seen walking towards the large supercomputer as he approached Orbital 7, hoping to find out how much progress that they made on analyzing the two pendants that they aquire from Yuma and Sakura

"Are you finished yet?" Kite asked his robotic companion, before he stand behind Orbital as he watch the computer analysis on the screen

Orbital was seen typing something away on the large keyboard, as he was using some sort of laser on either of the pendants that was floating inside a crystal-shaped containment.

"A....Almost.The analysis is still running. I...I...I just have to complete this Photon Stream Probe." Orbital answered as he return to typing away on the keyboard as the golden pendant was seen hovering in the air, being at the center of the large crystal that contain both pendants. It was being hit by various different beams by different angles, whilst the crystal pendant was hovering next to the golden key. It aswell was being hit by various different beams. 

"I...I...If this works, then we can figure out if these pendants does come from another world, a...and just maybe, what their real pur...purpose is." Orbital said

"Find out everything you can." Kite replied back to him, as he was angry and irritated by the way that both Mr.Heartland and Dr. Faker been keeping secrets from him. He hope that he find out all of the answers to all of the secrets. Maybe one of secrets would tell Kite what is wrong with his brother and he hope that one of the secrets contain any information for a cure for Hart

"Doctor Faker is keeping something from me, but I'm going to uncover the truth." Kite mutter underneath his breath, but Orbital heard him

"I...If Doctor Faker hears about this investigation, he...he'll go ballistic!" Orbital warn his master as he doesn't want Kite to feel the wrath of Dr. Faker, if he ever find out what he and Kite was doing 

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