Roots of the Problem

Start from the beginning

Through out the day, the pair continue to ignore one another on various instances

"Duel period!" Yuma said excitedly as he got his duel disk ready, "Now who to throw down with" He said as he scan the room, only to notice that Bronk was in the same room as him. The pair spotted each other and turn away from one another 

"Boys will be boys, or in this case babies" Tori said 

"When will they ever learned to grow up" Sakura replied to her, only for her pendant glow as Anubis  materialize in front of her 

"Yeah" Tori replied 

"There is something wrong about the Number Card that Yuma currently obtain." Anubis said as Sakura turn around to face him

"What do you mean?" She asked him

"According to Utopia, it didn't use any of it effects or use any of it overlays units to activate it's special ability" Anubis answered as Sakura look on worried as she finally understand, she have a bad feeling about this Number 


3 days later:

After school have finished, both Sakura and Tori came over to talk to Yuma, and both girls suggested that he and Bronk have to apologise to one another about their fight. The sun have started to set over Heartland City

"What do you mean apologise?" Yuma asked, not liking the idea at all

"Well, you have to. One of you has to be the bigger man" Sakura replied as she folded both of her arms

"Yeah, well. Bronk way bigger than me, it'll have to be him" Yuma replied stubbornly, to which cause Sakura to glare at him annoyed, only her to hit him in back of the head

"Ouch!" Yuma wince in pain as he rub the back of his head 

"Stop acting like a little kid and go apologise to Bronk!" Sakura yelled at him 

"No way" Yuma said stubbornly, as he turn his head away from her

"Yuma, Kura is right" Tori said with both of her hands on her hip, like Sakura, she was also annoyed by the behaviour of both Yuma and Bronk. As Yuma turn to walk away, he was block by Astral and Anubis 

"Yuma, listen to your friends, they have a point." Astral said before he continue on as Yuma turn his back on them, "Bronk is your best friend, so why not simply swallow your pride and go talk to him" Astral advise him

"Astral is right. You have to apologise" Anubis said 

"I'll tell you why....?" Yuma angrily snap at the pair. "Cuz I have a big lunch and I not hungry" He turn around and point his finger at Astral and Anubis, only to see that the pair have gone, revealing a shocked Bronk instead 

"Uhhhh.....uhhhh" Yuma stutter as he was loss for words, as Bronk continued to stare angrily at Yuma, meanwhile Tori and Sakura face palmed at Yuma action. This was before Bronk decided to walk away from the group 

"Huh? Hey, hold up..." Yuma call out to Bronk as he grab hold of Bronk shoulder. Fill with anger and rage, Bronk swings his arm, knocking the Emperor's Key of its rope, as it flung up in the air and landed on the ground behind Bronk. Both Yuma and Bronk stare at it in shock as both of them was stunned by what just occur 

"Well, that's what you get for grabbing me!" Bronk exclaimed, as Sakura grumble under her breath. This was before she clutch her head in pain, she look over to where Yuma's extra deck as her eyes widened 

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