The Edge of the World

Start from the beginning

"Interesting. At least your parents didn't force you to become a card for someone deck or force you into a Shadow Game." Anubis told her. "Who are you bringing?" He asked her

"It depends on if my parents are busy with work. They want me to meet their special guest after school. If not, then I probably gonna get drag by Tori and her mother to the event" She replied

"You guys have a weird friendship" Anubis commented on Sakura friendship with her friends. At time like this, she need people's who she can trust and love

"At least I didn't get chase around by someone winged Kurioboh, just because you decide to flirt with it girlfriend" Sakura told him as Anubis sweatdrop as he heard the laughters coming from Kurimyth and Yuto from Sakura deck


"Right time for me to go now. See ya tomorrow, Yuma and Astral" Sakura wave at the duo, before leaving to go her separate way to go home as Kurimyth and Yuto appear from their card as they both joining in on teasing Anubis, even went far as to threaten to tell everyone in the entire deck. Not knowing that a certain robot was watching her.

"Bye" Yuma said as he waved as both he and Astral went their own way to go home.


At Sakura home:

Sakura just arrive at home as she enter inside the house, only for a women voice to call out from her. "Sakura sweetie, is that you?"

"Yes mother. It me" Sakura replied to her as she enter the living room to see ​​​​​ her parents - Kenji and Harumi Takahashi (They work as doctors at the Hospital) as they both sat on one sofa and three unknown people that Sakura haven't seen before in her life, sat on the other sofa in the living room

Kenji have shaggy chocolate brown hair and had light blue-grey eyes. He wore a white shirt, with black pants, belt and a blue necktie

While, Harumi have long, waist length, purplr hair with bangs that curl away from her face in a horizontal direction and has emerald color eyes. She wore black skirt and top with a white undershirt and black tights with black heels

"What going on? Who they?" Sakura asked her adoptive parents as her glaze cast towards the three unknown invididual in the room with them - two male and one female.

"Sakura, is about time that you learnt the truth about your birth parn......" before Harumi could even finish her sentence, one of the male on the sofa, an older male with dirty blond hair and brown eyes shot up and run towards Sakura, hugging her in the process

"It finally you, baby dragon" He said in his accent, it sound like he came from Brooklyn as he hug her tightly, more like squeezing her until her bones break. "Just wait until....." He was interrupted by someone else

"You going to break her, you little barking Chihuahua" the second male that occupied the sofa with the female commented on the blonde male behaviour

"Keep talking Kaiba" the dirty blond hair man let loose on his grip on Sakura as he turn toward the brown haired male on the sofa as he raised his fist as he grit his teeth at him, before releasing Sakura from his death grip

"What the hell is happening?" Sakura asked, clearly confused with the scene in front of her. Both Kenji and Harumi let out a sigh, this isn't what they have in mind at all.

"Boys, that enough" the unknown female stood up from her spot on the sofa. She have long straight black hair, tanned skin and she wore a long ankle length dress partially bearing her shoulders featuring black patterns around the neck and the rims of the sleeves. Her glaze focus on Sakura

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