"Look at Yuma!" One of their classmate commented on the way that Yuma dress up 

"What's he doing?" Another asked

"Hey, what's everybody all worked up about, Tori?" Yuma asked, confuse on what is going on  

"Uugghhh...!" Both Bronk and Sakura step back as Tori began to explode in anger. "I'll tell you what the 'what' is!!"


"I don't like to criticize... but I'm sorry, Yuma, I can't not say anything anymore, I can no longer hold it in!! There was yesterday..." Tori said 

Yesterday, Yuma's costume exist of a  big black cape with big metal shoulder pads, black pants with big metal kneepads, and yet again, his bare chest. "Hey, everybody!" 

"And the day before..."

The day before Yesterday, Yuma was wearing  yellow spectacles, a round red cap and long-sleeved red shirt, and relatively normal pants. "What's up, people??"

"...And the day before that!"

 Yuma was once more dressed up as a giant bee, complete with big fuzzy black armbands and legwarmers and a great big stuffed bee abdomen attached to his rear. "Who wants to duel!"

The entire class is having a good laugh, except for one grey-haired girl sitting alone at her desk in the corner.

"Do you not see everyone laughing?! Do you not hear them?!" Tori asked him, annoyed 

"I figured someone told a joke."

"You're the joke!" Both Tori and Sakura said simultaneously as Tori grab a full-length mirror as she pull it in front of Yuma and said, "Look at yourself, Yuma! Look what you look like!"

Yuma stared at his reflection in the mirror, a sudden change of mood happen as he yelled out in shock at himself. He take the tiger-striped coat off as he throw it to the floor. "What'm I wearing?!?!"

"Huh? We were hopin' you could tell us?" Bronk asked him 

"Rrrgghh! I have no idea! I'm always half-asleep in the morning....I just throw on whatever's on the floor and run out the door!" He exclaimed, clearly not happy with the situation at all

"It's not just the costumes... it's like, a lot of things have been different with you lately, Yuma. Think about it. Your lunches have been, like, little five-star restaurants. Also yesterday in the gym, where did you get the wire from?" Sakura said as she look at him. Yuma face began to lose it colour 

"You're right. It's almost like someone's messing with me! I hadn't really thought about it before, but..."

He doesn't have a chance to finish his sentence as the his pendant light up as Astral appear before Yuma and said, "It seems you do not think about much"

"I think about lots a' things!" Yuma argue back at him 

"Then think about this. For the past several nights, someone has been sneaking around in your room while you sleep." Astral explained as a tick mark appear on Yuma face just before he yelled 

"Someone's been sneaking around in my room and you just keep it all to yourself?!"

"You never ask me to keep you informed. How was I to know that someone being in your room is an unusual occurrence?" Astral asked innocently 

"Are you serious right now?! Of course it's an unusual occurrence!! Guh! That does it! I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!!" Yuma shouted annoyed

Yugioh Zexal: Sakura story Where stories live. Discover now