Brody Lives

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Clementine raised the brick above her head and brought it down with as much force as she could muster, breaking the padlock.
She dropped the brick on the grass behind her and pulled open the doors. She could barely see anything down in the cellar, the only source of light was the moon, and whatever it was that was casting shadows from the far side of the cellar.
The sound she had heard through the pipes in her room was magnified down there, it was coming from where the light was.
Clementine took the first step over the threshold and descended into the basement below.


"You don't have to be afraid, Brody. Say what you have to say." Clem said, stepping forward and scowling at Marlon.

Brody looked uncertainly back and forth between Clem and Marlon.

"Marlon let him take the twins. Him and his people..." she said shakily.

Clementine's eyes widened in shock.

"Brody..." Marlon growled, looming over her.

"I thought they were killed by walkers?" Clem said.

"That's the story we told everyone-"

"Shut up!" Marlon interjected.

"Because Marlon was so afraid-"

"I said shut up!" Marlon's voice cracked as he yelled.

He took a short step towards Brody and Clem saw him raise the heavy metal flashlight above his head.
Without thinking, she put her left arm out between Marlon and Brody.
Clem cried out as the flashlight smacked into her forearm and a loud crack was audible. Clem's arm immediately became hot and blood pulsed through it.
Marlon's eyes widened in shock and he dropped the flashlight. In the split second that he did, Clementine's leg shot out and kicked him in the knee. Marlon stumbled before Clem caught him in the nose with a punch that sent him to the ground.
Clementine looked down at her left arm, which was swollen to hell and dangling uselessly like a dead fish.
Now that she had the time to look at it, the adrenaline wore off and the pain started. It came in waves that pulsated up her entire arm and made her whimper.
She cradled her injured arm and stumbled back, leaning against the boiler for support.
Brody rushed to her side and put her arm around her to help her stand.

"Oh god, are you okay?" Brody asked, eyeing Clem's damaged arm.

"No... It's definitely broken." Clem groaned.

Brody began walking, taking Clem with her. She helped her up the stairs and out into the courtyard.
They crossed over to the campfire and Brody gently lowered Clem down onto the sofa.


AJ ran out of the dorms and stopped in front of her. He noticed her mangled arm and a look of shock came over his face.

"What happened?"

"...Nothing for you to worry about, kiddo."

Clem managed a smile, albeit closer to a grimace due to the pain she was in.

"Buddy, go wake up Ruby for me and bring her out here would ya?" Brody asked AJ politely.

The boy nodded and ran back to the dorms.
Brody once again gazed at Clementine's arm.

"He was gonna... he could have killed me..." She whispered.

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