🌈Surprise #2💓

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Dear Diary,

Here we go again😐


Okay I gotta make this really quick because I have 10 minutes before I have to leave anyway.

Yeah, the triplets are 1 year old already and I'm pregnant again! This time we're getting an ultrasound to know if we're having twins (maybe triplets again).

And my day was kinda hectic but yeah....


I woke up this morning of course throwing up. After that was done, Me and Andrew got the triplets and carried them downstairs and fed them breakfast. They were starting to talk a bit mainly gibberish lol😆

I fed them breakfast and then we took them back upstairs. Now that I was pregnant again, Andrew had to stay home more constantly to help.

We put them in their playpen with some toys and Sandy and Shawn got in a fight kind of so we had to deal with that. I threw up again and played with Ava through the bars of the playpen.

Andrew changed their diapers and then we had a nice light lunch and I took a nap.

Help i feel like my book is so DrY😐😐

Hey Heroes! Please follow, comment and vote. I'm struggling with ideas rn. I have an idea for the ending but....😐😶 I have lots of homework to catch up on.

Thanks, J💞

Next chapter coming soon💫

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