1st date?🤨

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Dear Diary,

We finished filming a little early today so I had sometime to hang out with Yaya before I was gonna go have ice cream with Andrew. I wanted to just watch cats on youtune but....Yaya had a different idea.


"Okay first, go take a shower and then I'll help choose your outfit and do your hair." Yaya commanded.


"No buts. Hurry. You need to be ready in 2 hours." Yaya said, shooing her into the bathroom.

Several minutes later

"Okay! Have you picked out my outfit yet?" I asked, coming out of the bathroom, wearing a towel.

"I put it at your bed." Yaya said, not looking up. "Okay." I said then went to my bed to find this.

This is my outfit👇

I got dressed and went back into the main room

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I got dressed and went back into the main room. Yaya started fixing my hair and putting some makeup on me.

"Not too much makeup!" I warned. "We're just enhancing your natural beauty." Yaya said. "Like I have any." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Andrew seems to think otherwise." Yaya said, grabbing her hairbrush. I just rolled my eyes.

20 minutes later

"Okay!" Now, Andrew will be here in 15 minutes so go sit over there." Yaya commanded, shoving all her stuff into a bag to hide the mess.

"Okay?" I said, confused. Then Yaya ran into her bedroom to go put her stuff away.

15 minutes later...

The doorbell rang and Yaya opened the door.

"Hey Andrew! I'll go get Skye for you." Yaya said then stepped away from the door and grabbed me.

"Hi." I said, smiling shyly.

"Hey Skye!" Andrew greeted.

"You 2 get going. I'll be waiting for you guys here." Yaya said, shoved them out the room and closed the door.

"Let's go!" Andrew said brightly and we both walked down the hallway, to the elevator.

"So, which ice cream place are we going to?" Skye asked, trying to make conversation.

"How about the one across the road?" Andrew asked. "Sure." I agreed and we both left the hotel and walked to the ice cream parlor.

When we got to (F/I/C/P), we went in and I got a (F/I/C/F) while Andrew got (idk ur choice I guess).

We sat down and we mainly talked about the movie, our castmates and normal stuff. It wasn't even awkward. We got up and left and went back to the hotel.


"Bye!" I said then opened me and Yaya's Room Door using the card and went in. As soon as the door shut behind me, Yaya dragged me on the couch and started asking me questions.

"What happened? Did he ask you out? Where did you guys go? What did you talk about?" Yaya asked all in one breath. "Slow down!" I said, laughing at how excited Yaya was.

"It was normal." I replied. "What's"-she did the quote and quote fingers "normal?" She asked.

"We got ice cream, talked and left. It's no big deal." I said. "Absolutely 0 juice?" Yaya asked in disbelief.

"We got ice cream not juice." I joked then went in my bedroom (the room is split into 4 parts, bathroom, main room, Yaya's bedroom and skye's)

"Hahahaha" Yaya said sarcastically.

Hey Heroes! I just wanted to let you know I won't be updating tomorrow but I will on Thursday. Also, I'm gonna warn you in advance I might have to rush it a bit just because I'm a having a hard time.🥺😅

Thanks, J💕

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