May 14

173 4 0

Dear Diary,

We finally get to start filming the movie! I'm really excited and nervous. They were still shooting Yaya's scenes for the starting. We were all just kind of hanging out in the trailer.

Once we finished shooting the starting scene, we (the kids) were allowed to go have lunch since they were gonna film the adult scenes which would take longer because of the movement and stuff like that.

Me and Yaya decided to go to (Y/F/R). But we ended up going with Andrew, Nathan, Hala and Vivien. We talked and laughed a lot during lunch and when we got back to the trailer, we even sang some songs.

Then we filmed the next part which was the classroom part and it took about an hour and a half. We were finally done after that and went back to our hotel.

Me and Yaya invited everyone to hang out in our room and we sang, danced and took lots of pictures.

We went to bed early since we had lots of filming to do tomorrow again.

Love, Skye💙

Hey Heroes! I'm having a hard time deciding how to start making them like each other and stuff like that so PLEASE comment dowm below ideas or message me. Also vote, comment and follow.

Thanks and Love,

Andrew Diaz x OCWhere stories live. Discover now