One shot ch.22

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We got a call a teen who was parting with a bunch of her friends split her head open

We got there we had to rummage through the crowds of teenagers who were clearly drunk

We got to the side of the girl

"How did she split her head open exactly? Tommy said.

"She wanted to be a idiot and slam beer bottles over her head ....."

"By the looks of all of you your all idiots." Nancy said

"Guys we need to do emergency stitches the wound is getting bigger and at the rate it's going if we don't do this now we could lose her ."

"Tk we need your steady hand on this one We have one shot at this. ."Tommy followed

I got the stitches and started to sew up the wound my hand started shaking so much that I poked myself with the needle but I pulled myself together and stitched it up and Nancy finished it off

"Good job kids ." Tommy joked

A cop car pulled up to shut down the party kids where running up and down that stairs out the back door

And just like that the officer yelled

"We got a teen who just fell off the roof !"

We rushed outside to see a teenager lying on the ground unconscious

"His pulse is week ."Tommy said hooking him up to the monitor

"Multiple rib fracture ,dislocated leg , deep cuts this isn't looking good cap ." I said

"Nancy go get the leg placements Tk get the gurney ..."

We brought them back over and started placing his leg in placement and getting him on the backboard
While cap went and got the ensifine to stop some of the swelling

"Cap he's coding ." Nancy said as I looked up

"Start CPR Tk monitor him ."

3 pumps ,1 breath on repeat over ,and over ,and Over again

"He's gone ..."

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