Part 11

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Time skip 2 years later

POV Keigo

"and your sure about this Dabi" I say

"yes keigo, I'm sure. Let's do this...unless you don't want to" Dabi responded

"no no, I do but you have to be sure because once you bond with me you can't go back" I say looking down. I want to bond with him, I just don't want him to change his mind later or anything.

"I know I can't go back, why would I want to? This is going to help you get your powers fully under control" Dabi said

"yes but if you ever decide to leave you won't be able to, and if you could you'll be stuck with a power that-" I say but Dabi cuts me off.

"I'm not going to leave you keigo. We've been together for almost two years and never once have I considered leaving you. If I've ever given you the impression that I wanted to leave you it was unintentional" Dabi said and I smiled

"it's been two years and you still talk like royalty" I joked

"well, I did live as a prince for the first eighteen years of my life. Plus, if you really wanna go there you are starting to speak like me" Dabi said smiling

"sure babe, a few more years and you'll be talking like me and rumi" I say smirking

"who said my name" Rumi askes while walking into the room with chiyo following closely behind her.

"we were talking about how Dabi speaks like royalty" I answer

"I don't-" Dabi tries to argue but rumi cuts him off "you so do"

"you do speak very well Dabi but I prefer that over the improper way these tow speak" chiyo said gesturing towards me and rumi. Dabi smirked and me and rumi in union pulled the same dramatic shocked face.

"I see you've chosen your side chiyo" Rumi said dramatically, chiyo laughed a little at our response.

We chatted for a bit and I look over at Dabi who is nodding slightly in rumi and chiyos direction. Right, I'm supposed to tell them we want to bond. I waited for a gap in the conversation before I started to talk.

"so, me and Dabi have been thinking about it and we have decided we want to bond" I say. It was dead silent for a few seconds and it looked like they were thinking. All of a sudden, they were both talking excitedly.

"congrats, I wonder what power you will get" rumi said

"I'm happy for you both. It's been a while since I've seen a bonding ceremony" chiyo smiled

"when we're you thinking?" chiyo added. I looked over at Dabi and he shrugged.

"soon, I guess. I want to get my power flares under control as asap. How long does it take to prep?" I say

"we can begin in 5 minutes if you want" chiyo said, me and Dabi nodded.

"I'm so excited this is the first half breed tradition we get to be a part of. Well, you get to be a part of and I get to watch but you know what I mean" rumi said excitedly following chiyo into the kitchen leaving me and Dabi alone in the room.

"last chance to back out" I say smiling, he smiles back and gives me a quick kiss to put my mind at ease.

POV Rumi

"ok put your opposite hands out" Chiyo said as she picked up a small blade from the table. Without another word she quickly cuts each of their hands and they wince slightly.

"ok, now hold hands" she said, they did and she hovers one of her hands above theirs and one below, she starts speaking the language of the dragon, it's how half-breeds talk to dragons. Chiyo is teaching us this, it's mostly going straight over my head, languages aren't my strong suit but I think she is saying 'from now on these tow will be forever bonded by the code of the dragon' over and over.

why are you hiding? (hotwings/toyaxkeigo BNHA fantasy AU) completedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz