Part 4

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POV Keigo

I looked up and see his white hair first. He was a little taller than me and had blue-green eyes that looks slightly familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I look at Dabi and he was smiling brightly, he's actually really handsome. Shame he's a guard but he does seem to hate the king.

"how do you know they escaped? Did you help th-" he started but went quiet. I look around but couldn't see anyone.

"yeah I helped" "shut up" he angrily interrupted. His smile was gone and it was replaced with pure rage. I saw he was looking at the tower I was just looking at. There was now a woman in the window she looked like she was reading, and occasionally looking out at the view.

"we're you perving on the princess?" he asks with nothing but rage on his face

"what no. I would never" I said. Shit.

"then what were you doing, when I came over you were looking in that direction very intensely" he said grabbing my collar

"okay you know how you said you hated the king and wouldn't care if something happened to him. Well, I'm here to make that happen" and there you go keigo you've ruined the whole plan. If Dabi doesn't kill you, Rumi defiantly will. Dabi looked slightly shocked and loosened his grip on my collar.

"really?" he asked looking stunned and confused. Then it looked like something clicked in his head and he got mad again.

"how?" he asked scowling.

"well that's what we're here to work out?" I answered

"we're? there's more of you" Dabi asked. Shit, okay take a breath, don't panic. You got this, man. Be cool.

"yes there's more of us"

"how many?"

"2 more"

"who are they?"

"I'm not going to tell you"


"you're a guard. What you already know is bad enough" I say

"then why did you tell me?" Dabi asked

"from how you talk I am guessing you hate the king. I thought you could help" I say honestly

"okay" Dabi said

"okay" I repeat and it was silent for a while. "wait, okay? You're going to help?" I asked

POV Toya

Am I really going to help? It's one thing to know someone is planning to kill your farther, but its another to assist in his murder... after all he's done...

I should, to protect my siblings. I'll make sure they aren't around when it happens. I mean I could just have keigo arrested but there's more like him. plus, it would be better for the kingdom if enji was no longer king. I highly doubt they will actually kill him but a near death experience may give him a reality check. He may get it together and change. this way I'll be able to make sure this idiot doesn't attempt a stupid plan or get caught. I hardly know him and I have no idea who the other two are but he seems to have a personal issue with the king so I can sympathise with him. Enough debating just do it.

"yes, I would be better for everyone if he was no longer king" I say

"and you're sure the royal guard position is the job for you? Why would you choose that" keigo said smirking?

"well, if you must know I grew up around his kids they are like my siblings so I wanted to protect them" i say. I'm building a back story now, is this what we're doing, okay brain.

"ahh very noble of you" he said still smirking. Huh now that I really look, he's actually quite handsome... anyway

"can I ask why you want to kill the king?" I say and his smirk drops into a frown

"why are you okay with me wanting to kill the king?" he said

"touché" I say


"touché" I repeat, he still looks confused

"do you live under a rock. it's a common phrase most people use. an acknowledgement during a discussion of a good or clever point made at one's expense by another person, is the definition." He still looked confused

"it's French-"

"okay 'Mr I had a good education' not all of us went to school and learned what touché means" he said sounding slightly annoyed. I upset him?

"I didn't mean to insult you" I say

"it's fine, anyway us unschooled folk have street smarts, which I'm sorry to say is something you rich boys lack" he said smirking again.


hope you enjoyed

next part up soon

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why are you hiding? (hotwings/toyaxkeigo BNHA fantasy AU) completedWhere stories live. Discover now