Part 5

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i can't find a lot of fantasy au art for either of them so may i offer this instead.


POV Rumi

I got back a while ago. I have only scouted a little bit of the castle but I didn't find anything, no possible ways in. what was I expecting? It's a castle, a strong structure made to protect kings.

"welcome back" chiyo said as keigo landed. He didn't look annoyed or upset like I was, maybe he found something.

"anything?" I ask

"I found a possible entrance. There's a window at the top of one of the turrets. It's covered in vines and I don't think it closes. If we wanted to get in that way we would have to go at night, it's high up so there would be lots of opportunity for us to be spotted." Keigo said

"well it's a start, there are still lots of places to scout" chiyo said smiling

"Your right. So where should we scout tomorrow?" I asked

"I'm gonna go back to the same place to see if the window is still open, then ill carry on from today" keigo said

"good idea we should leave earlier as well to see if it's still open, and we can come back sooner" I add

"I think ill scout all day, we can leave earlier but ill stay out till sunset" keigo added. Me and chiyo just looked at him. Two long days in a row?

"I just want to get this over with" he added when he notices our looks.

"well ill let you two discuss while I make food" chiyo said walking away.

"so what else did you find" I ask

"what do you mean" keigo said looking confused

"I was annoyed that I found nothing. You found a window that probably does close and you don't even look slightly upset. What else happened?" I ask. He looks like he is thinking, debating weather to tell me or not.

"okay so, umm, let me finish before you react. So, I accidentally met a guard and told him we are going to try to get rid of the king. But he wants to help" he said. ...what

"you could have died" I whisper yelled so chiyo couldn't hear

"It was an accident and I'm fine. Plus, it worked out for the best. We're meeting tomorrow and he's gonna help" he added

"I'm staying with you tomorrow" I say

"no" he said quickly

"what? Why?"

"he hasn't seen you yet, he doesn't know who you are and if this is a trick then you will be safe" he said sounding semi-confident with his answer.

"food's ready" chiyo shouted

"we'll be there now" I shout back

"after this you tell me everything that happened, I don't trust this guy"

Time skip of 3 days 

(over the 3 days they just got closer, nothing major)

POV keigo

"okay be safe" chiyo shouted as we left. We look back waving at her. We we're flying in silence for a while until rumi said

"I still don't trust this Dabi guy"

"well I do, he has been helping me for the past three days. He has warned me about some of the possible entrances being traps" I said

"have you ever considered he's lying?" she said

"He's not lying, I know he wants to help, I can tell."

"here's an idea, maybe you just want to believe he wants to help because you like him" she said, I just look at her, do i?

"fine, look, I just want you to be safe. You and chiyo are all I have okay, just be careful, I'll see you later" she said reluctantly. I started to land and she carried on to scout her side of the castle. I turn back into my human form and adjust my cape so it covers my face.

'because you like him" I remember what rumi said. Do i? I mean he's kind, funny, handsome. What's not to like but she may be right what if I want him to be good but this is a trap.

Looking up I see the window is still open. It's early so I'm guessing it was open all night. I spend the morning kind of scouting but mostly thinking about Dabi, and if he actually wants to help us. At mid-morning I went back to check the window. Still open.

POV Toya

She's still not talking. I left mothers cottage around mid-morning. Natsuo and fuyumi we're there when I left maybe they can get her to talk.

While walking towards the woods I think about keigo. I wonder what he went through to want the king dead. I can tell he's hiding something from me but I'm not sure what. Keigo's sweet, he's humorous and witty. He's the first person, apart from my siblings, to treat me like a normal person, that's only because he doesn't know. How would he react if he did? Not very well I'm guessing. would he hate me?

POV keigo

He should be here soon. It's about midday now, his shift should be over soon. As if on que I hear a rustle in the trees and he walks through.

"ah Dabi you've finally arrived" I joke

"finally? Some of us have jobs keigo" he said joking back. I laugh slightly. Oh god, it was funny but not laughable funny, is that a sign I like him?, he just smiled.

"so what are you doing today" he said pulling me out of my thoughts

"I was looking for secret passages but I can't find any" I say

"as far as I'm aware there are two but I don't know where they are" Dabi answered

POV Toya

I wish I could help him but one of the passages is too close to my brother's rooms and I don't want then hurt at all. And I don't know where the other is, enji is the only one who knows where it is.

"that's okay" he said sounding disheartened. Then his face lights up. cute.

"can you tell me about the inside of the castle?" he asked looking hope full

"of course," I say and tell him all about the layout of the castle, the changing of the guards, when people go to sleep and so on.


hope you enjoyed

i'm only planning about 5 more parts because i have tests coming up soon, so it was either time skip and make it a shorter story or leave it for a few weeks. i hope to get this all posted in the next 2 weeks

next part up soon

why are you hiding? (hotwings/toyaxkeigo BNHA fantasy AU) completedWhere stories live. Discover now