Mission: Melody

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At Red Fountain 

Sky sat on his bed looking at his lock screen, it was a picture of Bloom and him on a date. Stella called Brandon to tell Sky she's missing because Flora went to Lake Rock. and didn't find Bloom. 

"Sky?" Riven asked coming out of his room. "Hey, she's alright, she's the strongest fairy ever" He said. 

"I know, it's just what if she's hurt, Valtor's still out there" Sky sighed. "She will return when she wants to" He said. 

"What if she never does? Daphne is gone now again and Bloom's gone because of that" Sky said. "Stop being so negative" Timmy said walking in. 

"But where would she go?" Sky asked. 


"Trix, go to Melody and get the Siren's voice" Valtor said. "The what now?" Stormy asked. "It's a spell of the Sirens, I can use that spell to convince Bloom to do anything, like give the Dragon Fire up" 

"Smart, fine, but the Winx?" Darcy asked. "What can't handle 5 fairies?" He asked. "Three of them have Enchantix" Icy said. 

"Go!" He yelled. 


The Trix appeared in Melody. 

"There's a museum not far, that's where it's kept" Darcy said. The trio flew off to the museum. 

"Now to make sure no one calls for help" Icy smirked. "Ice Dome!" Icy said and a dome of ice went all around the building. 

The Trix teleported inside the barrier. "The Trix!" People yelled scared. 

"Ice Dragons! Guard this place" Icy said. 

"Why are you here?" A guard yelled. "Lighting Bolt" Stormy blasted him down. "Where is the Siren spell" She asked. 

"I'll never tell you" He said. "Fine then" Darcy said and her eyes glowed green so did his. 

"Where is the Siren spell?" Darcy asked. "I'll never say" 

"What? My controlling spell!" Darcy shouted. "Stop, shut up, listen" Icy said. You could hear a faint hum, it was calm and had a warm feeling to it. 

"Ugh! This place is protected my music, so are the guards, ugh" Stormy said. "We need to find that spell soon" 


The Winx were sitting in their dorm. Flora was watering her plants, Aisha was reading a book based on her powers now with Enchantix, Stella was making new outfits, Musa was listening to music, and Tecna was on her phone. 

No one said a word. Musa's phone then beeped. She picked it up and opened it to see Melody on the News. 

"Girls" Musa said taking her headphones off. "What?" Flora asked a little scared. "Melody, it's being attacked" 

"The Melody Museum, look" Musa showed the building in ice. "Why would Valtor or the Trix want in there?" Aisha asked. 

Musa thought for a minute. "All the objects in there and from ancient fairies  who used their music magic for the good, but there were evil mermaids known as Sirens, their music is so controlling, you see where I'm going" 

"We better stop them before they control everyone" Tecna said. Musa formed a portal and they all ran through. 


So many people were outside watching the ice dragons inside guard the place. "Enchantix" Stella, Flora, and Aisha said. 

"Charmix" Musa and Tecna said. 

The five flew up. "Shinning Ray!" Stella made herself glow and blasted the ice dome with pure light. 

"Stella, you don't have heat magic" Aisha said. "At least I'm trying!" Stella shouted back. "Girls! Stop!" Flora yelled. 

"Fairy Dust!" Flora formed her small bottle and poured the dust out. "Nothing, great" Stella huffed. 

"Enough" Tecna said. "We're friends, right now we need to stop the Trix" Tecna said. Musa closed her eyes and focused on the voices inside. 

She heard the song playing inside the museum. Musa put her hand on the ice. She hummed the tune out loud, tuning out her friends talking. 

The voice became louder and stronger. "What's happening?" Aisha asked. "What's that music?" Stella asked. 

Musa hummed the song louder and the ice dorm suddenly shattered into water. "No time to talk, let's go!" Musa flew inside. 

The ice dragons were also melted by the song. 

"Look sisters, here, it's down this hall" Stormy said. "Finally" Icy said. A purple bubble went around the trio. 

"Ugh, the Winx" Darcy groaned. "Oh, where's Bloom?" Icy teased. "Stella go and make sure the Siren spell is safe" Musa said. 

Stella flew off and saw a picture frame with a old piece of paper. Stella looked at it and read the words in her head. 

Stella waved her hand and used the light to her advantage. It looked like the Siren spell wasn't there. 

"You won't get that spell" Tecna said. Icy shattered the bubble. "You know, I've had it with you little brats! Blizzard of Winter!" Icy said and blizzard of snow and ice formed. 

"I can't see" Flora said. "My wings" Tecna said. Musa looked around to try and see. She saw the Trix flying past a little. 

She flew in the cold air after them. Musa then remembered a spell, but a very dangerous spell. 

"Voice of the Ancient Melody Fairies!" Musa said and glowed a purple red with her blue long pig tails flying up. 

The snow flashed away. The Trix turned to see Musa. 

"Harmonic Voice!" Musa blasted the Trix to a wall. "This is not happening" Darcy groaned as she saw Musa glow red and purple and with a flash. 


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