Story of Valtor

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On Domino inside the palace hidden is a prison named, Vortex of Flames. This place was created for one person. 

On Domino, years ago when the Ancient Witches roamed around. There was a young wizard, he was very talented and was the King and Queen's friend. 

The Ancient Witches saw his talent and cursed him using the Dark Flame making his evil side take over. The wizard worked under their control. He attacked the palace and the King and Queen. 

Oritel and Marian didn't want to destroy their friend so Marian banished him into the Vortex of Flames, a prison of fire and nightmares. 

The young wizard was, Valtor. Ever since then he has been sitting inside the Vortex waiting for a way to escape. 


Deep under the palace a room with a large hole with flames bursting out sat at the bottom of the hole a man. 

His long dark blonde hair waved in the wind. He sat on a rock listening to the fire cracking and the smell of heat. 

He looked down at his right hand and tried to form a spell, nothing happened. He picked up a rock and threw it at rocky wall. 

He stood and walked around. He didn't say a word. He was walking and looked at his right hand again and focused and saw a dark flame appear for a second. 

"After magic works" He smirked. He looked at where the most fire was. He raised his right hand and pointed it at the fire. 

His hand glowed blue and the fire went into him. He glowed orange. The flames flashed and were gone. 

He flew up and out of the Vortex. "Finally" He smirked and cracked his fingers. 

"Marian, Oritel you'll pay soon" He said and disappered in smoke. 

He appeared in an alley in the village. He walked out and saw all the villagers. "Hello, sir, would you like some bread?" A man asked. Valtor walked past. 

"Domino's changed..." He whispered. He walked for a few more minutes until he reached a small house. He opened the door and saw a woman with short blonde, gray hair. 

"Hello, would you like---" She said until she looked up and saw who it was. 

"Hello, mother" Valtor smirked. "Valtor?" She gasped. She stood. "Look at you, it's been years" He said. 

She didn't reply. Valtor formed a chair and sat down. "Where's father?" He asked. "Out in the back..." She said. 

Valtor leaned in. "You scared of your own son, mother?" He asked. "What? No, I'm---not...why" She gulped. 

He looked in her eyes. "I see fear, I don't blame you, but I'm back" 

"How?" She asked. "Lila, all the carrots are--" A man with brown hair with gray hair walked in until his eyes saw a man. 

"It can't be" He said. "Father, I'm back" Valtor stood up to him. "You can't be here" He said. "Why?" Valtor asked. "You should still be in prison for what you did" He said. "Oh, father, don't you get it? I was always going to return to you, and get payback" 

"Payback? What payback?" He asked. Lila looked worried as Valtor walked around the house. 

"Don't you remember destroying my spells? Told the King and Queen?" Valtor said. "You turned to a threat! You could have killed your mother and me!" 

"Your lucky I didn't" He said. "I came for somethings, mostly payback" Valtor said. "What can you do?" He asked. 

"Jason...please" Lila begged. Valtor's eyes turned red and looked into Jason's eyes. 

Jason looked down as he saw stone forming on him. "Jason!" Lila gasped. "I can't move!" He said. 

Suddenly Jason was stone. Lila ran to him. "Jason? Please Valtor undo it, please" She begged. 

"You can still be with him, mother" Valtor said and did the same to her. "That payback was amazing" He chuckled. 

He formed a necklace and opened it and his parents turned to stone were taken into the necklace. 

Valtor glowed blue and orange and started a fire burning the house. He flew up and out. The house of his childhood was now burned. 

"People of Domino!" Valtor yelled. Everyone looked up. 

"I am back! Valtor is back!" He yelled and flew off to the palace. 

"Well, let's hope that works out" Oritel said to Marian. "Your highnesses, in the village...Valtor escaped" The guard said. 

"What?! How?" Oritel said taking his sword out. The guard smirked and turned to Valtor. 

"Valtor" Marian gasped. "Look at you two, Domino is lovely in the spring...have any luck helping Daphne?" He asked. 

"I will put you back in--" 

"You won't" 

"By the power of the Dark Flame! I curse Domino and it's people into Oblivion! Domino now a frozen wasteland!" He yelled and everything turned to ice. 

Oritel gasped as he started fading. "No!" Marian cried and disappered to. 

After moments all of Domino was ice and the people were trapped in Oblivion. 



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