"Dr. Shepherd," she started.

"Dr. Shepherd? The other day it was Derek," he smirked.

"I'm trying to be professional," she huffed, the smirk on his face just made it worse.

"Mhm," he smiled.

"Mr. Levangie, is he a good candidate for DBS?" She asked.

"He is, great candidate actually. But he isn't interested," he shook his head.

"Ok but I think we should try again, I mean it would increase his entire way of life," she tried arguing.

"We are talking about a brain surgery that is preformed while the patient is awake. There is a risk of paralysis and a risk of death, plus the patient does not want it. It's not my job to push the patient into a procedure that he does not want," he said sternly

"But if you just-"

"No Meredith," he said. She thought about arguing but she just let it go. She turned and went toward the cafeteria, she needed to eat before the interspinal catheter.

"Heard you were late this morning," Cristina said as she came up behind her.

"It happens, you should have got me up," Meredith said as the two went to grab trays.

"I got here at 4am, you really wanted me to wake you up?" Cristina said.

"No," Meredith said, rolling her eyes.

"Shepherd is being a jackass," Meredith huffed, going to sit down at an empty table.

"What did you do this time?" Cristina chuckled.

"Nothing! We are doing an interspinal catheter later on a Parkinson's patient and I suggested we talk him into a DBS but he completely shut me down. One minute he's favoring me and the next he's blatantly dismissing me."

"What are we talking about?" Izzie said as she came sitting down being followed by George.

"Shepherd being an ass," Meredith said as she smacked on her carrots.

"I thinks he's great," Izzie said with a cheerful tone.

"You know sometimes I think you just want in his pants," Cristina chuckled.

"I do not, that is total intern suicide," she giggled. Meredith rolled her eyes, grabbing her pager as it started beeping.

"Gotta go," Meredith said, grabbing her half-eaten tray and throwing it away before going to Mr. Levangie's room.

"You page?" She asked as she entered the room, Derek was accessing him. He looked at her then back at him.

"Mr. Levangie, have you given any more thought into the other surgical option?" Derek asked, continuing his work-up.

"What? Why would I? I already told you no," he said, his shaking becoming progressively worse as he was getting agitated. "You are already cutting into my back but that isn't enough for you, all you guys ever want to do is cut."

"Dad, just listen to what the doctor's have to say," his daughter said, interjecting them.

"I already told you-"

"Sir, there is a very small window of opportunity for the procedure. Once the Parkinson's progresses to dementia, there's no longer an option for this surgery," Derek tried to explain.

"Is that when you guys will leave me the hell alone? Do I have to start drooling and forget my name to get some peace and quiet around here?" He said angrily.

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