chapter 8

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Lena sits on the chair across from the mysterious woman. She has no idea who this woman is, where she came from or what she is, but a piece of her feels drawn, connected, almost.

"Lena Luthor." Says a voice, and Lena startles, whipping her head around to see a woman with white wings and wearing an all white outfit.

"Who are you?" Lena asks.

"My name is Metatron." The woman replies. "I am the angel of life."

"An angel?" Lena asks. "That is scientifically impossible."

"No, dear child, it's not." The angel smiles. "I am in fact an angel."

"What is it you want?" Lena asks.

The angel walks over and caresses the woman's head. "I see you've discovered our secret."

"Don't touch her." Lena says protectively.

"Relax, Miss. Luthor." Metatron says with a smile. "I am merely checking to see how she is doing."

"How do you know her?" Lena asks. "Is she an angel too?"

Metatron nods. "Indeed, she is."

"What's her name?" Lena questions.

"I'm afraid that is information only she can give you when it's ready to be given." The angel informs Lena. "There is darkness out to get her."

Lena's blood runs cold, chills run down her spine as she gets goosebumps. "What do you mean?"

"I was informed by the Goddess of spirits . Daemones, that there is a dark spirit after this woman's soul. Or rather. Her half of her soul." The angel explains.

"Goddess?" Lena asks, "You mean like Greek Gods and Goddesses ."

Metatron nods. "Indeed. I am merely Daemones messenger." she speaks, "There is an oracle that speaks on the danger that her half of her soul is in,"

"What do you mean half?" Lena asks, "Are you speaking of twin flames?"

"So you've heard about them?" Metatron asks with a nod.

"My brother Lex was obsessed with the idea of twin flames before he went mad." Lena replies with a nod.

"This woman's twin flame is someone who is unaware of it." Metatron speaks. "The oracle speaks of a dangerous truth. If her soul is not reunited with its other half, she will face a gruesome fate."

Lena feels chills go down her spine again as her eyes land on the woman, "What can we do?" she asks. She turns her head back to ask the angel, but she's gone.

Hours pass and the mysterious woman has yet to wake up, then to Lena's surprise, she does.

"Who are you?" The woman asks, "Where am I?"

"My name is Lena," Lena replies. "You're in a safe place."

"How can I trust your word, Lena?" The woman asks.

"Believe me. You can." Lena reassures her. "You're somewhere safe. What is your name?"

"Kara," The woman answers, "Kara Kent. "

Lena nods, "Well, Kara Kent. Can you tell me what you last remember?"

Kara shakes her head, "I cannot remember a single thing."

"It's okay. You will get help." Lena tells her.

Just then, the door opens and Alex walks in.

"Oh, you're awake." Alex says, "My name is Alex Danvers."

"I'm Kara." Kara replies. "Kara Kent. "

"Well, Kara, you're safe here. I promise." Alex tells her, "Do you mind if we run some tests on you?"

"Tests?" Kara asks, her eyes shifting warily. "Like a science experiment?"

"No," Alex shakes her head, "Not like that at all."

"What kind of tests, then?" Kara asks.

"Merely to see your labs." Alex replies. "Will that be okay, Miss. Kent?"

Kara nods, "Yes."

After some tests are done, Alex offers Kara some graham crackers and a juice box to soothe her hungering stomach. She steps out to speak to J'onn.

"What is she?" J'onn asks, "Lena said she landed in a pod?"

"Yes," Alex nods, "But I don't think she's an alien. Clark Kent is supposedly the last Kryptonian."

"Well, we don't know that, do we?" J'onn asks. "What do the test results say?"

"She's definitely not human." Alex replies. "Her DNA is crazy, J'onn, I've never seen anything like it."

"What do you mean?" J'onn asks.

"I mean the results nearly damaged my computer." Alex replies. "She's like..a spiritual being."

"That's not scientifically possible." J'onn argues.

"J'onn," Alex says, " None of the things we do is considered scientifically possible." she tells him, "Look at where we work, J'onn, in a place for extranormal operations? aliens? even you, J'onn. Being a martian"

"Okay, so you have a point." J'onn sighs, "What do we do about her?"

"What do you mean by 'do,'?" Alex asks.

"Can we trust her? I mean, we don't even know who or what she is." J'onn explains.

"She says she's Kara Kent. Could Clark Kent have a missing cousin?" Alex asks.

J'onn shakes his head, "No," He replies, "That's not possible."

"Anything is possible," Alex tries to argue. "We need to think of all the possibilities."

"While you do that, we need to find this woman's family. Someone is missing her." J'onn says.

"I don't know, J'onn." Alex says, "A piece of me says she's special and we need her on our team."

"What part of you says that?" J'onn asks. "Agent Danvers, don't get too attached."

"I'm not," Alex says, "I just have this..this feeling , J'onn. It's like I know her but I don't."

"She's not the only one," Says a voice. The pair turn around to see Lena walk out of the room. "I feel it too."

"See?" Alex says, "We're not the only ones who feel it, J'onn. This woman is special."

"Alright," J'onn says, "See what she can do. Train her. Find out her abilities. If we can figure out what she is, we may be able to help her hone her skills."

"That's the answer I was hoping you'd say." Alex said with a smile.

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