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I stare at the boxes, it may be depressing but I've started packing two weeks early so I'm ready to move away. I just want to leave.

Josh is here helping me, he sings the Miraculous Ladybug theme tune on repeat, I smile everytime he gets the chorus and does his little dance.

"You are so childish," I joke, poking his chest. He holds his hand over where I poked, a fake hurt expression on his face

"It's really catchy," he pouts. "I hear it everywhere, I haven't actually seen it but I love the theme tune," he laughs as he places a few books in an empty box.
"Why do you have so many books? I've heard of this book, it's sad, right?" He asks, twisting the book he's holding around.

I turn around to face him: They Both Die In The End. "That book is more than sad, it actually broke me," I awkwardly say, my hands taking the book off him as I place it on the top of the pre-existing books. He shrugs and turns back to my almost empty bookshelf.

"Are you scared to leave?" He suddenly asks. I turn around from my desk that's covered in tiny boxes full of stationary and notepads.

I smile and glance over at him. "Terrified but way more excited."

He smiles at me. "I'm getting bored, and we have two weeks before you actually have to go, so you wanna go get some McDonald's and eat at the beach?" He coos as he walks towards me, his hands pulling mine off the boxes and into his. Slowly, he leans forward and kisses my forehead. "Please?"

"Of course I do," I whisper back and wrap my arms around his upper-waist.

His small smile turns into a grin. His hand slides into mine as he walks with me out of the clustered bedroom.

McDonald's is busy, people rushing around from the counter to the chairs. His hand still in mine he pulls me to a quieter corner.

"Nuggets, fries, smoothies?" He asks, his eyes set on the flashing menu and sequences. I nod and he flashes me a quick smile before rushing through the people and to the queue.

15 long minutes later he prances back towards me, nodding his head to follow him. I don't hesitate to follow him out the door as he leads me to the tree on the sand-hills. I sit down, my eyes gazing at the sea brushing against the shore, the clouds slowly breezing across the sun-setting orange sky and the small dots of distance people running around in the sea. Next to me Josh is rustling the bag around and mumbling to himself about nuggets.

"Here," he mutters and hands me fries and places the nuggets in the middle of us. I happily hum and take a nugget, quickly chewing down on it.

We spend ages eating, and talking about our futures and our pasts. He laughs and wraps his arms around me, holding my smoothie for me and my back against his chest.

"Tell me something, El," he whispers, his lips moving against my blushing cheeks.

"What is it, Josh?" I mumble back, my fingers running over his.

"It's been thirty one days, I want you to tell me the final reason," he says, his voice still in that soft tone.

"Isn't that your job?"

He laughs, a small exhale of air. "It has been for thirty days but I want you to tell me the final one."

"Why?" I question, my palm finally sliding against his.

"Because then I know for sure you've listened to me and you've realised that it gets better, Elyse," he continues, his voice gettier quieter close to my ear.

I stop for a decent amount of time, just watching the sea for a second. I let out a soft hum before whispering:

"Number thirty-one: there is always a reason to live."

"That's my girl," he chuckles softly.

"I love you, Josh."

He stays silent, laughing quietly.

"Dickhead," I finally say, playfully hitting him on the arm I can reach.

"I love you too, calm down," he says, continuing laughing as he kisses my cheek softly.

"Do you wanna come to my house for tonight?" He asks. With no hesitation I agree and he helps me stand up after placing all our rubbish into one convenient bag to put in the trash.

As we walk off together, down the empty road under the stars. His arm around me, both of us just laughing and talking, I remember one thing, one thing I've finally completed:

Before you are ready to spend the rest of your life with other people, you must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself.


Dedication: everyone.

Of course I have to dedicate a chapter to everyone. You all deserve everything, you've given me a reason to continue what I love doing!!

I am so grateful for everything and you're all amazing.

I love you so much, please never give up and keep doing what you love too.


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