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Josh whistles as he passes me long sticks, I smile as I take them off him and pose them against our new fort.

"Can we take a break?" I ask and he nods. I slide down inside the half finished fort and glance through the cracks up to the sky, the trees cloud my image of the blue but the swaying makes up for it. He plops himself next to me and his blue eyes stare up too.

"It's pretty here," I laugh. "It reminds me of the country-side of Scotland," I laugh.

"I love Scotoand," Josh mumbles. "The Highlands are absolutely gorgeous," he continues and turns to face me. "You been to Glasgow?"

"Yeah, a few years ago with my parents, I loved it. We went to this tiny shopping market with goats, it was the best," I chuckle to myself. "Once we went to the Lake of Mentieth and I went in a boat and crashed it in some rocks so I climbed out to push it off and I slipped on a rock," I laugh to myself, he lets out a slight laugh, more just exhaling air from his nose.

"Do you go on holiday often?" He asks.

"Yeah, I've travelled a lot, Cornwall, France, Iceland, a few states and even Japan but Scotland will always be my favourite. It has the best lakes, nice beaches, a great capital and some of the best scenery I've ever scene. It's so varied there, it can't be beaten. Do you travel a lot?" I ask back.

"I wish, my parents don't like each other much so we don't travel a lot. This is the first I've travelled in a few years so that's why I'm so excited," he chuckles. "You're pretty lucky, El, you travel a lot. A lot of people want that."

"I don't think I'm lucky," I respond.


"My parents expect the best of me, it's a lot of pressure. Plus they travel a lot without me so I'm lonely a lot, they always seem to care when you're around without you, it's a different story and- sorry," I say, trailing off.

"No, it's okay, keep talking."

"Without you there they tell me I need to be better but that's so hard, I try as hard I can but no one acknowledges it," I finish, sighing heavily as I do.

"I do, I promise," he urgently chirps in with little hesitation. I turn and smile at him, he smiles back.

"I know they love me, I just want them to show it more," I mutter.

"Love is a pretty cool thing," he laughs. "Some people don't know how to show it, some people show too much, it's a subjective thing."

"Is it?" I ask.

He nods. "Subjective is when it can be on an opinion or a perspective, some people think love is just a chemical thing that fades, some think it's down to fate and some people think it's meaning the perfect person, it's not an objective thing, not everyone has the same opinion."

"You really know your stuff?" I laugh, not sure how to respond to him.

"I guess, but I've never understood love," he mumbles underneath his breath.

"What about Sophie?" I question.

"I don't know..." he hesitates before contining to talk, "I love many people though, in so many ways because love does come in many ways. It's not just falling in love," he hums, his mood changing.

"Tell me about them."

"I love my parents for adopting me, I love Sophie for changing me into who I am today, I love you for travelling with me, I love my friends for being good at sports and I love my online friends for always being there when I need them," he laughs. "What do you love?"

"Uhh... I guess I love you for staying and my parents for looking after me when i was younger," I mutter, struggling to think past my two.

"Yeah, see, love is in different forms. Me as a friend and your parents are family love, right?" He asks, his head tilted as he does.

"Right..." I hesitantly say back. "Anyway, let's continue our fort."

He smiles.

"Number twenty: love."


Dedication: queennkalon omg your page is so aesthetic like what-. And also in our short interaction you were so kind to me which is always a good sign, I can't wait to be good friends with you!! But seriously go check out their profile because oh my lord.

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