Chapter One (Henry)

Start from the beginning

I sought the body that matched the mind by tugging on the psyche and bringing it toward me. Because the mind was willing, very little mental force was required. The body was coming toward me and laid a hand on my arm. I turned and barked out a quick laugh. It was a young man, his face paled by white makeup, hair darkened by dye, a drawn-on widow's peak, and red paint dribbled down his chin from one corner of his lipsticked mouth. The man was dressed up as Dracula. Oh, what perfect irony.

I drew the man close, embraced him, and continued to dance. Placing my hands on the man's hips, I held them flush to mine. Even above the music, I heard the mortal's heartbeat increase. I felt a stir in both our pants.

Consumption of blood was a component of our sexual desires and mating rituals, as well as nourishment. The two are inextricably linked in our minds. An unmated Vampire, such as myself, would feed on human or Vampire blood, male or female, and be satisfied. Once we find, consummate and turn our Inamorata, they become our source of nourishment. No other source will do while our mates live. Most Vampires don't live long after their mate dies, as once their proper sustenance is gone, many fall into a deep depression. None will ever satisfy them again, and many choose to starve. Some, like my father, seemed to cope with the loss without difficulty. He had returned to feeding on humans or Vampires with apparent ease.

"I love your costume," I whispered huskily into my victim's ear. I didn't have to fake my passion. I enjoyed the seduction and the eagerness of my repast.

"Dracula." It was all the man could vocalise. I could feel the heat rising from him, could smell his arousal, and my mouth watered.

"Yes, I know, little cub." I leaned into his neck and placed my mouth against his vessel to feel its heady pumping through my lips. "But what is your name?" I asked, emphasising the gravelly, animalistic tones of my voice.

"Darsh," he whispered so quietly, if I were human, I would not have been able to hear it.

"Darsh," I let the name roll around my mouth slowly. The effect on Darsh was noticeable, and his already rapid heartbeat thundered through his veins. I tested the smell of his blood, searched his scent and found only a tiny amount of alcohol, not enough to ruin his flavour. "Follow me, Darsh," I instructed. Taking Darsh's hand and entering his mind again, I checked to see if he had noticed my odd yellow and red eyes. He hadn't. Leaving the dance floor, I aimed for the corner close to the stack of speakers, where it was a darker, more private space.

I pulled Darsh's hand and whipped him against the wall. Placing my hands on either side of Darsh's head, I leaned my whole body against the man. I knew he would feel my growing hardness, as I felt his, but the Lust had a hold of me now, and I wouldn't be stopped. Darsh was writhing between the wall and my body, so I didn't fight the Lust too vigorously. I did want him to enjoy it, so I slowed. Knowing I wouldn't be denied allowed the Lust to subdued. It could be patient for a time. The enjoyment of the prey was what appeased my conscience and allowed me to accept the risk of killing.

I bent and placed my lips against Darsh's neck. My prey's pulse was rapid, and it throbbed beneath my mouth. I kissed Darsh's jugular and, knowing I could wait a moment, licked his skin. Darsh's hips began to move against mine, and he rocked me towards him with each thrust. Enchanted by his lustful display, I allowed Darsh to take his pleasure. I wasn't selfish in this regard. The seduction of my prey was part of the enjoyment of feeding. To see my quarry beg for release was nearly as intoxicating as the taste of his blood. It required superior skills than a simple stalk and takedown, and I had become quite accomplished.

Descending my fangs, I slid them along Darsh's espresso coloured skin. The human shivered and murmured his desires. I unleashed my Lust and my sharpened teeth pierced his skin. The frenzy of Lust overtook my senses as the blood flooded my mouth, and I imbibed the vital fluid. My body warmed as his claret infused my mouth, it's sticky, thick viscosity coated my tongue as I swallowed it down. Colours became vibrant, blacks became shades of blue and purple as I saw into the depths of their hues. I would that this pleasure never stopped.

Crushing my meal to my chest, I sucked at his wounded neck, unwilling to wait for the heart to do the work for me. Drawing the blood, I fought the desire to thrash at my victim's neck, to rip open the artery and bathe in his essence. Darsh's mind called to me and entering it, and I felt my victim's arousal start to mingle with fear. The exhilaration of the moment overtook my quarry, and I heard his cry of euphoria as he found his release. 

An image of a young woman with walnut hair and emerald eyes flashed into my thoughts. The picture almost left me unhinged. Growling, overcome with passion, I continued my feeding, drawing into myself the human's very soul. Darsh cried out again, this time in fear. I had gone too far.

Cursing myself, I fought my Lust until it was a low hum in my mind. I removed my fangs and licked at the wound with deliberate care as it closed from my healing saliva. Still holding Darsh close, I could hear how strong his heart was. Despite the loss of blood, Darsh would live.

Sighing, I carried the near passed out mortal to a chair. Taking advantage of my supernatural speed to get him water, I pulled a chair up beside him and held the glass to his lips. Greedily, he swallowed it down and I chuckled. Humans were so delightfully malleable in their post-orgasmic state. When he had finished I lifted Darsh's chin with my finger, stared into his eyes and Coerced him. It was a simple process whereby I spoke my commands with clarity and authority and pressed them into Darsh's mind.

"Darsh," I Coerced. "You had a wonderful night, dancing with such joy and abandon that you exhausted yourself. You have decided to go home and rest. For the next few days, you will avoid strenuous exercise, drink plenty of water, eat healthily and add salt to your meals. You will remember this night, but you will not remember me or my actions." Darsh looked at me with an openness that suggested the Coercion was taking effect. Tenderness rose in my heart for the human, so I kissed Darsh and added, "you have my gratitude, little cub." Feeding on anyone caused a Lust induced bond, essential for mating but often a nuisance for those unmated. I didn't mind the short bond I had with my victims. It helped me not kill them.

With nothing left to do, I stood, adjusted my tuxedo and walked out of the club.

My belly was full, but I wasn't truly satisfied. I had not felt satiated in years. Although I was unmated, I knew who my Inamorata was and had been in her presence. Knowing who she was and not having her was almost as bad as losing a mate. It was my fault. I couldn't bring myself to take her. My father would have called me weak, would have called me a pup if he knew what I had done. My father didn't see the strength it took, the stalwartness I had to stay away from her. After all, Father hadn't even tried to stay away from his Inamorata.

Just the thought of her made my Lust reappear. The fleeting image of her that had invaded my mind as I fed almost caused me to kill my prey. I couldn't help but remember her mahogany hair, her porcelain skin, flushed cheeks, full round lips and enchanting green eyes. Her lush, ripe, Rubenesque body haunted my daily dreams. I had been so close, and I could have touched her. I could have tasted her. She could be in my arms right now. My Lust grew, increasing its demands that I go to her, seize her and make her mine.

I had fallen to my knees before Lilith repeatedly and begged her to reconsider my Inamorata. I saw history repeating before my eyes, and I could see myself making Father's dreadful choice that had ultimately cost Mothers life. I am not my Father. If I took her now and she died, I would not survive. Our family's 2,000-year reign as Monarchs would end with me and in war.

I groaned. I would have to feed again before going to the Duke's party. Possibly twice more. I shouldn't have come to the city. Damn, Lawrence, for inviting me. It was too close to her, and the Pull was too intense. She was so near I could point to her from here. I was losing control, and I had to feed again.

Praying to Lilith for strength, I turned from my Inamorata and walked into the next club.

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