Chapter 6: A Confrontation and Tag You're It

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Everyone had been training for a decent amount of time now; even you have learned a few things. Although you were nowhere near Hatz's level, you were at least able to defend yourself and fight better than you have previously; all of Shibisu and Hatz's training really paid off. Along the way, you decided that maybe a few friends is alright to have, just as long as they didn't turn stepping stones into stumbling blocks. You mainly hung around Bam, Shibisu, and Hatz.

On a few occasions, you'd talk with Rak, although it was more so Rak talking over you, rather than a complete conversation; you did enjoy his company, however. Endorsi wasn't so bad herself, actually. In the beginning she was really stuck up and forceful, but after the two of you had a decent time together alone, the two of you seemed to bond well together. Sure, you had your differences, but the two of you were able to look past that. Even Anaak had warmed up to you a bit.

Your main problem was with a certain light blue haired boy; in the past few days, you couldn't bear to be around him. In fact, you couldn't even talk to him or look him in the eyes. If he entered the room, you would leave and immediately retreat to your room.

"What is with me?" You asked yourself aloud. "I used to be able to face him and respond to his remarks with my own, but now I can't even look at him." You placed your face into your hands.

"Maybe it's love?" Endorsi teased. You jumped.

"N-no it's not!" Your face heated up. "It definitely is not that of all things. Sure, I'll admit that I've warmed up to him, but only as an ally, and possibly a friend. Nothing more! Besides, since when do you know about love? You're a princess of Jahad! And... how did you get in here?" Endorsi sat down next to you on your bed.

"Sure, we princesses aren't allowed to date, but that doesn't mean we don't experience feelings of love," Endorsi said as she placed her hand on your shoulder, "I can help hook you two up. Maybe let you borrow one of my luxurious outfits."

"Thanks for the offer... But that'll be a hard pass for me."

"You're so boring, (name). Oh well. Don't come to me when you've missed your chance." Endorsi shrugged and walked out of your room. You were left alone with your thoughts. 'There's no way that I would feel that way towards anyone, nonetheless, Khun of all people, right? Bam or Hatz, maybe... But I see them more as brothers like Shibisu. Besides... what is there to like about Khun, anyways? He's a jerk, and he's too smug for his own good. And yet... he helped me... so many times... And he's always got a plan... And he's so intelligent... And... Those eyes...'

"Ugh, what am I doing?" You asked yourself as you slapped your face. "Screw it, I'll just talk to him." You walked out of your room and nearly immediately ran into someone.

"I see you still like to run into everyone." You knew that smug voice anywhere.

"Oh! Khun. Funny, I was just about to go find you."

"Oh, are you now? Says the person who would run away every time that I entered the room? I'm a bit hurt," Khun said as he placed his hand on his chest and faked that his heart ached.

"Listen, I know that we haven't really gotten along well together in the past month and well... I was wondering if we could change that. I'll be less cold towards you, if you be less of a jerk towards me. What do you say?" You forced yourself to look him deep in the eyes. "We are friends now, right?"

"If that's what you want, then fine, we're friends. But what you call me being a jerk isn't any sort of special treatment towards you, unlike how you're so open to everyone else."

As If I'd Ever Fall For You: Khun x (fem)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now