Chapter 2: The Crown Game

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"Ugh... Damn you, Khun..." You grumbled. You looked over a saw a small girl with short black hair. "Oh, I see you've been kidnapped as well. The evil light blue haired man didn't hurt you, did he? Besides... Aren't you a little bit young to be climbing the tower?" The girl stared up at you and mumbled under her breath. "Ah... right. Well... It's nice to be teaming up with you!" You smiled. The girl continued to just stare. You noticed another figure, although he didn't seem like he was much of a talker either.

'That's alright... I didn't feel like talking much, anyways.' You glanced around the seemingly vast room, that is, if it's even considered a room. 'For some place so big, there's sure a lot of nothing in here...' You sat down and looked at the knife that Khun left for you. You turned it around and watched the light hit the metal at different angles; in some angles, you caught a glimpse of yourself. Your (hair length) (hair color) hair stuck out in a few directions, and your (eye color) eyes had dark circles under them. 'Look at yourself, (name)... To think that at some point, you're going to have to kill someone with this...' You shook your head at the thought as you lay down and slowly closed your eyes. 'How much longer are we supposed to stay stuck in here like this?'

Some decent amount of time must have passed by, when you were suddenly transported outside of the bag.

"Alright, you three, I'm letting you out of my bag, so you can participate in the crown game. I want you to cover for my team, Bam and the crocodile. Fight off everyone else with any means possible," said Khun, as he explained the rules of this crown game.

"Bam...? Is he... the boy you promised me that you'd save?"

"Yes, (name), I saved Bam for you."

"Thank you," you smiled softly, "I was worried that you wouldn't keep your promise, so I'm surprised you actually did keep it."

"Anyways," Khun continued, ignoring your comment, "I want you to cover for my team. I will let you know when you need to enter, by using this." He pointed to something blue that was in his hair. "When I take this off and change my hairstyle... it is the sign asking for help. Remember."

"I'll protect Bam."

"Alright. Be prepared. See you all on the battlefield." Khun waved, and then turned and walked away.

Another round of the game was being started. There was a lizard girl seated on the throne; she laid there and took a nap, as two teams entered. A black haired boy began to fight a group of three with a pair of swords; he seemed to have no problem going up against three people by himself. On the other hand, the boy in the purple tracksuit struggled up against a woman with a knife, and a blonde haired boy. Their third teammate laid on the floor, wrapped in a blanket, asleep. 'These are some... interesting teams out there.' You glanced back at your new teammates.

"So... you guys ready for this?" You waited for a response. Unsurprisingly, your two teammates never spoke a single word. You sighed. 'So much for a conversation... I guess I should just shut up, now. How are we supposed to work together if we can't even communicate?' You turned back towards the gate and watched the game continue.

The boy who was sleeping finally got up; it seemed like his female teammate was annoyed by his lack of participation. The black haired woman began to yell at the tired boy, but she was stopped by something he said that you couldn't hear. Next thing you knew, a bright light emitted from the previously sleeping boy's hand. 'Shinsu? A wave controller?! Here?! Right now?!' Your eyes widened. The wave controller, Laure, you heard the woman call him, aimed his shinsu at the lizard girl on the throne. The lizard girl was shaken up from her nap, and the two members of Laure's team ran up for their attack.

"Anaak!" The boy in the purple tracksuit called out, as the lizard girl, Anaak, began to fall. When Laure's attack cleared, Anaak remained standing on top of the throne. She held up her green whip.

"Ignition!" Anaak shouted, "I will kill... All of you." Her eyes went wild as she flailed her whip around. Laure's team was blown away by the gusts created from the whip. The black haired woman dragged Laure back to their cell. Then, there was a scream. Anaak froze and looked over at one of the cells. As you craned your neck, you saw that she was looking at the cell where Khun and his team were. Anaak jumped off the throne and towards the cell.

"Anaak! W-what are you doing?!" The boy in the purple tracksuit yelled. Anaak busted the cell door open. She walked into the cell where Khun and his team were, and said some things you couldn't hear; it must've been important, because the test director, Lero Ro, walked up behind Anaak and grabbed her weapon. All you knew was that Anaak and her team were disqualified.

The next round soon began, and you saw Khun walk out with the dark brown haired boy, who you recently learned his name was Bam, and a goliath crocodile. Three other teams also walked out onto the floor. 'Is it time for us to go out as well?' You reached your hand towards the button, but froze when you realized that there was no signal yet. 'No... I should wait. But... wouldn't his team need help? They're going up against three other teams, and I doubt that Bam could really defend himself...' You then pressed the button, but the game had already begun.

The four teams all ran towards the throne, but then there was a huge gust of wind. Various teams were blown across the floor. When the wind cleared, a certain light blue haired boy stood at the throne and stuffed the crown into his bag. 'Wait... why is he putting it in there? Shouldn't he wear it instead?' You blushed a bit, as you imagined him sitting regally on the throne, wearing the crown. You shook your head at the thought. 'Of course he would do this. He's still the same cocky jerk as usual from the Khun family. Don't be fooled by him, (name).' Khun then pulled the crown back out of his bag and threw it out to the crowd.

"Fight among yourselves. When you're done fighting, the winner may come up here and fight me," said Khun as he sat on the throne. 'Yep. The same cocky jerk as always.' You squinted at the crown that was on the ground. 'There's no way in hell that's the real one. He's got something planned, doesn't he?'

The teams all began to fight, the crocodile took out numerous individuals with his spear, and Khun jumped around the throne as he used his bag to block and absorb attacks. Just like that, Bam was seated on the throne, and Khun grabbed the real crown from the bag and stuck it upon Bam's head. 'A-ha! The real crown. I knew something was up.' Khun shook his bag as many knives poured out from it and disappeared out of thin air.

"Abracadabra. It's the fun and amazing... duplicating magic bag!" Khun announced. The light blue haired boy pulled the blue bandana from the side of his head and tied up his hair. 'That must be our cue.' You thought as you remembered Khun's words. You quickly pressed the button. With a knife in your shaky hand, you and your team entered; you swallowed the lump in your throat. 'It's show time.' Your team began to fight the others, as you stood there still.

There was fighting all around you, and the cloaked figures and the figure in the leotard gave off a threatening aura. To your surprise, two of the cloaked figures stood by Bam, as if they were guarding him. 'Strange... I don't remember seeing these people in Khun's bag earlier...' You looked over at Khun, who seemed just as surprised. 'Planned or not, as long as they protect Bam, I'm fine with it.' A man with a knife lunged at you, in which you stumbled backwards and dodged the attack. 'Oh crap... I need to fight... I'm sorry.' You gripped the knife with both of your hands to keep it steadier, and you lunged back at the man. You swung the knife around, but kept missing. Meanwhile, you got a few scratches on your arms and face. 'Maybe I can just stall him for time. No... at this rate, I'd be dancing with death.' You took a deep breath, steadied your hands, and jabbed the knife into the man's stomach. The man moaned in pain as blood splattered. Your hands shook violently. 'D-did I kill him? Holy sh- I-I'm so sorry...' Your knees felt weak and the room spun, but it didn't last long, as the figure in the leotard knocked you unconscious with her staff. The last you heard was Bam shouting "Rachel".

As If I'd Ever Fall For You: Khun x (fem)ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora