Chapter 4: First Day of...Training?

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You slowly awakened and looked at the time on your pocket. 'Mm... It's only first thing in the morning. I still have time to sleep in a bit...' You yawned and closed your eyes. 'Wait a minute...' Your eyes fluttered open.

"I'm going to be late!" You yelled and bolted up out of bed. There was no time to shower. You ran to your bathroom and washed up your face, grabbed a clean (favorite color) shirt, and a pair of black shorts. You threw the clothes you were previously wearing, onto the floor, and quickly shoved yourself into the fresh clean ones. You quickly ran your fingers through your (hair length) (hair color) hair, and pulled it back. You then slipped into your pair of black shoes, and ran out of your room. 'I hope I'm not too late... I can't do this one the first day and risk losing points! At this rate... I'll never pass! And I'm sure that blue haired jerk will have a good laugh about how pathetic I am.' You sighed and ran faster. At least out of all things, you were good at running fast. You jumped the stairs and nearly fell when you hit the bottom, but you kept running. You kept running... until you smacked into something purple and fell. You winced.

"Oh hey, you alright?"

"Owie ouch..." You rubbed your head. You blinked and opened your eyes. It was the same purple tracksuit guy from the crown game. He held out a hand. You grabbed it and got up. "Thank you... and I'm sorry for running into you." You laughed nervously.

"It's all good. The name's Shibisu, by the way." The guy in the purple tracksuit said as he pointed to himself. He then pointed to the black haired guy with a pair of swords that was nearby. "And that's my teammate, Hatz."

"It's nice to meet both you," you smiled and shook their hands, "I'm (name). Are you two assigned as scouts as well?"

"Yep! I guess it was pretty lucky that the three of us all have a class together."

"Yeah! Oh... I'm not late... am I?"

"Oh no, you've made it on time." Shibisu checked his pocket. "You're a few minutes early, actually." You let out a huge sigh. 'I guess jumping the stairs really did save me some extra time. I'm just glad that it was only Shibisu and Hatz that saw me, and not that blue haired jerk. How embarrassing that would've been.'

Pretty soon, the instructor arrived. He was a shorter man with red hair and darker skin.

"Hello there regulars!" The instructor shouted with excitement. "I am your instructor, Quant Blitz. Now, all of you are training to become scouts. The scout position requires you to not only run ahead and relay information back to your light bearer, but also to cover for you fisherman. This is a position that requires speed and cooperation. So, with that, your test is to have 10 people sign your friend list by the end of the week. That is all. Good luck, regulars!"

"Wait... that was it?" You looked over at Shibisu and Hatz. They looked nearly as confused as you. 'How are we supposed to learn how to be scouts... if we're just going around making friends...? Do I really need to do this...?' You looked down at the paper in front of you, and then back up at Quant, who was almost out of the door. "Um... excuse me, Quant? Do we really have to do this?"

"Yes, (name), because if you do not get 10 names by the end of the week, you will immediately fail." And with that, Quant walked out of the room. You took a big gulp. 'Just great... so now I have to make friends? Just who in their right mind would be friends with me?'

"Hey (name)!" Shibisu called you out of your daze.

"Yes, Shibisu?"

"How about we be friends? Me, you, and Hatz. Us scouts gotta stick together, right?"

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