22 | Epilogue

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We spend the whole day laying in bed together, cuddling, talking, kissing, everything we've wanted to do for so long.

Tom sits against the headboard with his guitar in his hands playing some soft tunes. My head is buried in his lap as I listen silently.

Suddenly, he stops playing and thinks for a moment before he begins to speak.

"When we didn't talk for a while... I needed to process things, so I wrote our story into a song," he starts before he quickly adds, "well, it's more of a poem than a song, really, but sung, I guess... I don't know- it's actually not that good."

He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his neck.

"You wrote me a song?" I turn my head to look up at him and smile.

The butterflies in my stomach go crazy at that thought and he shakes his head and laughs awkwardly.

"Well, more of a poem, it's not good," he corrects me and I chuckle at the fact that he's so nervous about it.

His eyes are shyly avoiding mine and his cheeks glow red with embarrassment.

"Can you sing it to me?" I plead and look at him with puppy eyes. "Please?"

He sighs before giving in.

"Fine," he says, not being able to resist me. "Your wish is my command."

And then, he starts strumming and his soft voice begins to sing:

Love is only one swipe away
Text me first and you've made my day
You sipped coffee, hours passed
I kept staring, my heart beat fast

All I want is the taste of your lips
My hands, they lay perfectly on your hips
When I saw you, my world stood still
If you want me to wait for you, I will

I instantly know if you're happy or sad
Worrying about you drives me mad
Let me safe you from your mind
My sole wish is us combined

Rumors sometimes say what's true
I tried my best to stay away from you
You don't deserve to be treated this way
I'd give anything to make you stay

I'm sorry for every time I made you hurt
My love towards you feels like it's cursed
I've never wanted to say goodbye
I promise to love you till I die

Until the end of time.

Prohibited (Tom Felton)Where stories live. Discover now